class: left, top background-image: url( background-size: cover # .large.white[one-stream <br>wrangle] ### .white[An exploration <br>with {flipbookr}<br>and {xaringan}] <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> #### .right.white[Gina Reynolds<br>Photo Credit: Vlad Tchompalov] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r *library(gapminder) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) *library(tidyverse) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` ── Attaching packages ─────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ── ``` ``` ✓ ggplot2 3.3.2 ✓ purrr 0.3.3 ✓ tibble 3.0.0 ✓ dplyr 1.0.2 ✓ tidyr 1.0.2 ✓ stringr 1.4.0 ✓ readr 1.3.1 ✓ forcats 0.5.0 ``` ``` ── Conflicts ────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ── x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter() x dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag() ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) *gapminder ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 1,704 x 6 country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> 1 Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.8 8425333 779. 2 Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.3 9240934 821. 3 Afghanistan Asia 1962 32.0 10267083 853. 4 Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.0 11537966 836. 5 Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.1 13079460 740. 6 Afghanistan Asia 1977 38.4 14880372 786. 7 Afghanistan Asia 1982 39.9 12881816 978. 8 Afghanistan Asia 1987 40.8 13867957 852. 9 Afghanistan Asia 1992 41.7 16317921 649. 10 Afghanistan Asia 1997 41.8 22227415 635. # … with 1,694 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% * filter(year == 2002) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 142 x 6 country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> 1 Afghanistan Asia 2002 42.1 25268405 727. 2 Albania Europe 2002 75.7 3508512 4604. 3 Algeria Africa 2002 71.0 31287142 5288. 4 Angola Africa 2002 41.0 10866106 2773. 5 Argentina Americas 2002 74.3 38331121 8798. 6 Australia Oceania 2002 80.4 19546792 30688. 7 Austria Europe 2002 79.0 8148312 32418. 8 Bahrain Asia 2002 74.8 656397 23404. 9 Bangladesh Asia 2002 62.0 135656790 1136. 10 Belgium Europe 2002 78.3 10311970 30486. # … with 132 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% * select(-lifeExp) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 142 x 5 country continent year pop gdpPercap <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <dbl> 1 Afghanistan Asia 2002 25268405 727. 2 Albania Europe 2002 3508512 4604. 3 Algeria Africa 2002 31287142 5288. 4 Angola Africa 2002 10866106 2773. 5 Argentina Americas 2002 38331121 8798. 6 Australia Oceania 2002 19546792 30688. 7 Austria Europe 2002 8148312 32418. 8 Bahrain Asia 2002 656397 23404. 9 Bangladesh Asia 2002 135656790 1136. 10 Belgium Europe 2002 10311970 30486. # … with 132 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% * rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 142 x 5 country continent year pop gdp_per_cap <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <dbl> 1 Afghanistan Asia 2002 25268405 727. 2 Albania Europe 2002 3508512 4604. 3 Algeria Africa 2002 31287142 5288. 4 Angola Africa 2002 10866106 2773. 5 Argentina Americas 2002 38331121 8798. 6 Australia Oceania 2002 19546792 30688. 7 Austria Europe 2002 8148312 32418. 8 Bahrain Asia 2002 656397 23404. 9 Bangladesh Asia 2002 135656790 1136. 10 Belgium Europe 2002 10311970 30486. # … with 132 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% * mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 142 x 6 country continent year pop gdp_per_cap gdp <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> 1 Afghanistan Asia 2002 25268405 727. 18363410424. 2 Albania Europe 2002 3508512 4604. 16153932130. 3 Algeria Africa 2002 31287142 5288. 165447670333. 4 Angola Africa 2002 10866106 2773. 30134833901. 5 Argentina Americas 2002 38331121 8798. 337223430800. 6 Australia Oceania 2002 19546792 30688. 599847158654. 7 Austria Europe 2002 8148312 32418. 264148781752. 8 Bahrain Asia 2002 656397 23404. 15362026094. 9 Bangladesh Asia 2002 135656790 1136. 154159077921. 10 Belgium Europe 2002 10311970 30486. 314369518653. # … with 132 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% * mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 142 x 7 country continent year pop gdp_per_cap gdp percent_gdp <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> 1 Afghanistan Asia 2002 25268405 727. 18363410424. 0.0389 2 Albania Europe 2002 3508512 4604. 16153932130. 0.0342 3 Algeria Africa 2002 31287142 5288. 165447670333. 0.350 4 Angola Africa 2002 10866106 2773. 30134833901. 0.0638 5 Argentina Americas 2002 38331121 8798. 337223430800. 0.713 6 Australia Oceania 2002 19546792 30688. 599847158654. 1.27 7 Austria Europe 2002 8148312 32418. 264148781752. 0.559 8 Bahrain Asia 2002 656397 23404. 15362026094. 0.0325 9 Bangladesh Asia 2002 135656790 1136. 154159077921. 0.326 10 Belgium Europe 2002 10311970 30486. 314369518653. 0.665 # … with 132 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% * mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 142 x 8 country continent year pop gdp_per_cap gdp percent_gdp europe <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> 1 Afghanist… Asia 2002 2.53e7 727. 1.84e10 0.0389 FALSE 2 Albania Europe 2002 3.51e6 4604. 1.62e10 0.0342 TRUE 3 Algeria Africa 2002 3.13e7 5288. 1.65e11 0.350 FALSE 4 Angola Africa 2002 1.09e7 2773. 3.01e10 0.0638 FALSE 5 Argentina Americas 2002 3.83e7 8798. 3.37e11 0.713 FALSE 6 Australia Oceania 2002 1.95e7 30688. 6.00e11 1.27 FALSE 7 Austria Europe 2002 8.15e6 32418. 2.64e11 0.559 TRUE 8 Bahrain Asia 2002 6.56e5 23404. 1.54e10 0.0325 FALSE 9 Bangladesh Asia 2002 1.36e8 1136. 1.54e11 0.326 FALSE 10 Belgium Europe 2002 1.03e7 30486. 3.14e11 0.665 TRUE # … with 132 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% * select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 142 x 5 country year gdp europe pop <fct> <int> <dbl> <lgl> <int> 1 Afghanistan 2002 18363410424. FALSE 25268405 2 Albania 2002 16153932130. TRUE 3508512 3 Algeria 2002 165447670333. FALSE 31287142 4 Angola 2002 30134833901. FALSE 10866106 5 Argentina 2002 337223430800. FALSE 38331121 6 Australia 2002 599847158654. FALSE 19546792 7 Austria 2002 264148781752. TRUE 8148312 8 Bahrain 2002 15362026094. FALSE 656397 9 Bangladesh 2002 154159077921. FALSE 135656790 10 Belgium 2002 314369518653. TRUE 10311970 # … with 132 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) %>% * mutate(europe_category = * case_when(europe == T ~ "Europe", * europe == F ~ * "Not Europe")) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 142 x 6 country year gdp europe pop europe_category <fct> <int> <dbl> <lgl> <int> <chr> 1 Afghanistan 2002 18363410424. FALSE 25268405 Not Europe 2 Albania 2002 16153932130. TRUE 3508512 Europe 3 Algeria 2002 165447670333. FALSE 31287142 Not Europe 4 Angola 2002 30134833901. FALSE 10866106 Not Europe 5 Argentina 2002 337223430800. FALSE 38331121 Not Europe 6 Australia 2002 599847158654. FALSE 19546792 Not Europe 7 Austria 2002 264148781752. TRUE 8148312 Europe 8 Bahrain 2002 15362026094. FALSE 656397 Not Europe 9 Bangladesh 2002 154159077921. FALSE 135656790 Not Europe 10 Belgium 2002 314369518653. TRUE 10311970 Europe # … with 132 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) %>% mutate(europe_category = case_when(europe == T ~ "Europe", europe == F ~ "Not Europe")) %>% * arrange(-gdp) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 142 x 6 country year gdp europe pop europe_category <fct> <int> <dbl> <lgl> <int> <chr> 1 United States 2002 1.12e13 FALSE 287675526 Not Europe 2 China 2002 3.99e12 FALSE 1280400000 Not Europe 3 Japan 2002 3.63e12 FALSE 127065841 Not Europe 4 Germany 2002 2.47e12 TRUE 82350671 Europe 5 India 2002 1.81e12 FALSE 1034172547 Not Europe 6 United Kingdom 2002 1.77e12 TRUE 59912431 Europe 7 France 2002 1.73e12 TRUE 59925035 Europe 8 Italy 2002 1.62e12 TRUE 57926999 Europe 9 Brazil 2002 1.46e12 FALSE 179914212 Not Europe 10 Mexico 2002 1.10e12 FALSE 102479927 Not Europe # … with 132 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) %>% mutate(europe_category = case_when(europe == T ~ "Europe", europe == F ~ "Not Europe")) %>% arrange(-gdp) %>% * mutate(gdp_billions = gdp/1000000000) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 142 x 7 country year gdp europe pop europe_category gdp_billions <fct> <int> <dbl> <lgl> <int> <chr> <dbl> 1 United States 2002 1.12e13 FALSE 287675526 Not Europe 11247. 2 China 2002 3.99e12 FALSE 1280400000 Not Europe 3994. 3 Japan 2002 3.63e12 FALSE 127065841 Not Europe 3635. 4 Germany 2002 2.47e12 TRUE 82350671 Europe 2473. 5 India 2002 1.81e12 FALSE 1034172547 Not Europe 1806. 6 United Kingdom 2002 1.77e12 TRUE 59912431 Europe 1766. 7 France 2002 1.73e12 TRUE 59925035 Europe 1733. 8 Italy 2002 1.62e12 TRUE 57926999 Europe 1620. 9 Brazil 2002 1.46e12 FALSE 179914212 Not Europe 1463. 10 Mexico 2002 1.10e12 FALSE 102479927 Not Europe 1101. # … with 132 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) %>% mutate(europe_category = case_when(europe == T ~ "Europe", europe == F ~ "Not Europe")) %>% arrange(-gdp) %>% mutate(gdp_billions = gdp/1000000000) %>% * slice(1:8) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 8 x 7 country year gdp europe pop europe_category gdp_billions <fct> <int> <dbl> <lgl> <int> <chr> <dbl> 1 United States 2002 1.12e13 FALSE 287675526 Not Europe 11247. 2 China 2002 3.99e12 FALSE 1280400000 Not Europe 3994. 3 Japan 2002 3.63e12 FALSE 127065841 Not Europe 3635. 4 Germany 2002 2.47e12 TRUE 82350671 Europe 2473. 5 India 2002 1.81e12 FALSE 1034172547 Not Europe 1806. 6 United Kingdom 2002 1.77e12 TRUE 59912431 Europe 1766. 7 France 2002 1.73e12 TRUE 59925035 Europe 1733. 8 Italy 2002 1.62e12 TRUE 57926999 Europe 1620. ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) %>% mutate(europe_category = case_when(europe == T ~ "Europe", europe == F ~ "Not Europe")) %>% arrange(-gdp) %>% mutate(gdp_billions = gdp/1000000000) %>% slice(1:8) -> *europe_or_not_2002 ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) %>% mutate(europe_category = case_when(europe == T ~ "Europe", europe == F ~ "Not Europe")) %>% arrange(-gdp) %>% mutate(gdp_billions = gdp/1000000000) %>% slice(1:8) -> europe_or_not_2002 *ggplot(data = europe_or_not_2002) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) %>% mutate(europe_category = case_when(europe == T ~ "Europe", europe == F ~ "Not Europe")) %>% arrange(-gdp) %>% mutate(gdp_billions = gdp/1000000000) %>% slice(1:8) -> europe_or_not_2002 ggplot(data = europe_or_not_2002) + * aes(y = fct_reorder(country, gdp_billions)) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) %>% mutate(europe_category = case_when(europe == T ~ "Europe", europe == F ~ "Not Europe")) %>% arrange(-gdp) %>% mutate(gdp_billions = gdp/1000000000) %>% slice(1:8) -> europe_or_not_2002 ggplot(data = europe_or_not_2002) + aes(y = fct_reorder(country, gdp_billions)) + * aes(x = gdp_billions) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) %>% mutate(europe_category = case_when(europe == T ~ "Europe", europe == F ~ "Not Europe")) %>% arrange(-gdp) %>% mutate(gdp_billions = gdp/1000000000) %>% slice(1:8) -> europe_or_not_2002 ggplot(data = europe_or_not_2002) + aes(y = fct_reorder(country, gdp_billions)) + aes(x = gdp_billions) + * geom_col() ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) %>% mutate(europe_category = case_when(europe == T ~ "Europe", europe == F ~ "Not Europe")) %>% arrange(-gdp) %>% mutate(gdp_billions = gdp/1000000000) %>% slice(1:8) -> europe_or_not_2002 ggplot(data = europe_or_not_2002) + aes(y = fct_reorder(country, gdp_billions)) + aes(x = gdp_billions) + geom_col() + * aes(fill = europe_category) ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) %>% mutate(europe_category = case_when(europe == T ~ "Europe", europe == F ~ "Not Europe")) %>% arrange(-gdp) %>% mutate(gdp_billions = gdp/1000000000) %>% slice(1:8) -> europe_or_not_2002 ggplot(data = europe_or_not_2002) + aes(y = fct_reorder(country, gdp_billions)) + aes(x = gdp_billions) + geom_col() + aes(fill = europe_category) + * scale_x_log10() ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-mini-auto[ ```r library(gapminder) library(tidyverse) gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% select(-lifeExp) %>% rename(gdp_per_cap = gdpPercap) %>% mutate(gdp = gdp_per_cap * pop) %>% mutate(percent_gdp = 100 * gdp / sum(gdp)) %>% mutate(europe = continent == "Europe") %>% select(country, year, gdp, europe, pop) %>% mutate(europe_category = case_when(europe == T ~ "Europe", europe == F ~ "Not Europe")) %>% arrange(-gdp) %>% mutate(gdp_billions = gdp/1000000000) %>% slice(1:8) -> europe_or_not_2002 ggplot(data = europe_or_not_2002) + aes(y = fct_reorder(country, gdp_billions)) + aes(x = gdp_billions) + geom_col() + aes(fill = europe_category) + scale_x_log10() + * labs(title = "Eight largest economies, 2002") ``` ] .panel2-mini-auto[ <!-- --> ] <style> .panel1-mini-auto { color: black; width: 38.6060606060606%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel2-mini-auto { color: black; width: 59.3939393939394%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel3-mini-auto { color: black; width: NA%; hight: 33%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- count: false .panel1-factor_relevel-auto[ ```r *my_countries <- c("Brazil", "France", "Russia", * "United Kingdom", "United States", * "China", "India", "Japan") ``` ] .panel2-factor_relevel-auto[ ] --- count: false .panel1-factor_relevel-auto[ ```r my_countries <- c("Brazil", "France", "Russia", "United Kingdom", "United States", "China", "India", "Japan") *gapminder ``` ] .panel2-factor_relevel-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 1,704 x 6 country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> 1 Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.8 8425333 779. 2 Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.3 9240934 821. 3 Afghanistan Asia 1962 32.0 10267083 853. 4 Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.0 11537966 836. 5 Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.1 13079460 740. 6 Afghanistan Asia 1977 38.4 14880372 786. 7 Afghanistan Asia 1982 39.9 12881816 978. 8 Afghanistan Asia 1987 40.8 13867957 852. 9 Afghanistan Asia 1992 41.7 16317921 649. 10 Afghanistan Asia 1997 41.8 22227415 635. # … with 1,694 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-factor_relevel-auto[ ```r my_countries <- c("Brazil", "France", "Russia", "United Kingdom", "United States", "China", "India", "Japan") gapminder %>% * filter(year == 2002) ``` ] .panel2-factor_relevel-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 142 x 6 country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> 1 Afghanistan Asia 2002 42.1 25268405 727. 2 Albania Europe 2002 75.7 3508512 4604. 3 Algeria Africa 2002 71.0 31287142 5288. 4 Angola Africa 2002 41.0 10866106 2773. 5 Argentina Americas 2002 74.3 38331121 8798. 6 Australia Oceania 2002 80.4 19546792 30688. 7 Austria Europe 2002 79.0 8148312 32418. 8 Bahrain Asia 2002 74.8 656397 23404. 9 Bangladesh Asia 2002 62.0 135656790 1136. 10 Belgium Europe 2002 78.3 10311970 30486. # … with 132 more rows ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-factor_relevel-auto[ ```r my_countries <- c("Brazil", "France", "Russia", "United Kingdom", "United States", "China", "India", "Japan") gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% * filter(country %in% my_countries) ``` ] .panel2-factor_relevel-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 7 x 6 country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> 1 Brazil Americas 2002 71.0 179914212 8131. 2 China Asia 2002 72.0 1280400000 3119. 3 France Europe 2002 79.6 59925035 28926. 4 India Asia 2002 62.9 1034172547 1747. 5 Japan Asia 2002 82 127065841 28605. 6 United Kingdom Europe 2002 78.5 59912431 29479. 7 United States Americas 2002 77.3 287675526 39097. ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-factor_relevel-auto[ ```r my_countries <- c("Brazil", "France", "Russia", "United Kingdom", "United States", "China", "India", "Japan") gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% filter(country %in% my_countries) %>% * mutate( * pop_category = * case_when(pop >= 1000000000 ~ "billions", * pop >= 100000000 ~ "hundred millions", * pop < 100000000 ~ * "fewer than hundred million")) ``` ] .panel2-factor_relevel-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 7 x 7 country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap pop_category <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr> 1 Brazil Americas 2002 71.0 1.80e8 8131. hundred millions 2 China Asia 2002 72.0 1.28e9 3119. billions 3 France Europe 2002 79.6 5.99e7 28926. fewer than hundred m… 4 India Asia 2002 62.9 1.03e9 1747. billions 5 Japan Asia 2002 82 1.27e8 28605. hundred millions 6 United King… Europe 2002 78.5 5.99e7 29479. fewer than hundred m… 7 United Stat… Americas 2002 77.3 2.88e8 39097. hundred millions ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-factor_relevel-auto[ ```r my_countries <- c("Brazil", "France", "Russia", "United Kingdom", "United States", "China", "India", "Japan") gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% filter(country %in% my_countries) %>% mutate( pop_category = case_when(pop >= 1000000000 ~ "billions", pop >= 100000000 ~ "hundred millions", pop < 100000000 ~ "fewer than hundred million")) %>% * mutate( * pop_category = * fct_relevel(pop_category, * level = c("fewer than hundred million", * "hundred millions", * "billions"))) ``` ] .panel2-factor_relevel-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 7 x 7 country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap pop_category <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <fct> 1 Brazil Americas 2002 71.0 1.80e8 8131. hundred millions 2 China Asia 2002 72.0 1.28e9 3119. billions 3 France Europe 2002 79.6 5.99e7 28926. fewer than hundred m… 4 India Asia 2002 62.9 1.03e9 1747. billions 5 Japan Asia 2002 82 1.27e8 28605. hundred millions 6 United King… Europe 2002 78.5 5.99e7 29479. fewer than hundred m… 7 United Stat… Americas 2002 77.3 2.88e8 39097. hundred millions ``` ] --- count: false .panel1-factor_relevel-auto[ ```r my_countries <- c("Brazil", "France", "Russia", "United Kingdom", "United States", "China", "India", "Japan") gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% filter(country %in% my_countries) %>% mutate( pop_category = case_when(pop >= 1000000000 ~ "billions", pop >= 100000000 ~ "hundred millions", pop < 100000000 ~ "fewer than hundred million")) %>% mutate( pop_category = fct_relevel(pop_category, level = c("fewer than hundred million", "hundred millions", "billions"))) %>% * ggplot() ``` ] .panel2-factor_relevel-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-factor_relevel-auto[ ```r my_countries <- c("Brazil", "France", "Russia", "United Kingdom", "United States", "China", "India", "Japan") gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% filter(country %in% my_countries) %>% mutate( pop_category = case_when(pop >= 1000000000 ~ "billions", pop >= 100000000 ~ "hundred millions", pop < 100000000 ~ "fewer than hundred million")) %>% mutate( pop_category = fct_relevel(pop_category, level = c("fewer than hundred million", "hundred millions", "billions"))) %>% ggplot() + * aes(y = pop_category) ``` ] .panel2-factor_relevel-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-factor_relevel-auto[ ```r my_countries <- c("Brazil", "France", "Russia", "United Kingdom", "United States", "China", "India", "Japan") gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% filter(country %in% my_countries) %>% mutate( pop_category = case_when(pop >= 1000000000 ~ "billions", pop >= 100000000 ~ "hundred millions", pop < 100000000 ~ "fewer than hundred million")) %>% mutate( pop_category = fct_relevel(pop_category, level = c("fewer than hundred million", "hundred millions", "billions"))) %>% ggplot() + aes(y = pop_category) + * aes(x = gdpPercap) ``` ] .panel2-factor_relevel-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-factor_relevel-auto[ ```r my_countries <- c("Brazil", "France", "Russia", "United Kingdom", "United States", "China", "India", "Japan") gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% filter(country %in% my_countries) %>% mutate( pop_category = case_when(pop >= 1000000000 ~ "billions", pop >= 100000000 ~ "hundred millions", pop < 100000000 ~ "fewer than hundred million")) %>% mutate( pop_category = fct_relevel(pop_category, level = c("fewer than hundred million", "hundred millions", "billions"))) %>% ggplot() + aes(y = pop_category) + aes(x = gdpPercap) + * geom_point() ``` ] .panel2-factor_relevel-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-factor_relevel-auto[ ```r my_countries <- c("Brazil", "France", "Russia", "United Kingdom", "United States", "China", "India", "Japan") gapminder %>% filter(year == 2002) %>% filter(country %in% my_countries) %>% mutate( pop_category = case_when(pop >= 1000000000 ~ "billions", pop >= 100000000 ~ "hundred millions", pop < 100000000 ~ "fewer than hundred million")) %>% mutate( pop_category = fct_relevel(pop_category, level = c("fewer than hundred million", "hundred millions", "billions"))) %>% ggplot() + aes(y = pop_category) + aes(x = gdpPercap) + geom_point() + * ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes(label = country)) ``` ] .panel2-factor_relevel-auto[ <!-- --> ] <style> .panel1-factor_relevel-auto { color: black; width: 38.6060606060606%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel2-factor_relevel-auto { color: black; width: 59.3939393939394%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel3-factor_relevel-auto { color: black; width: NA%; hight: 33%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> <!-- r flipbookr::chunk_reveal("factor_relevel", break_type = "user")` --> <style type="text/css"> .remark-code{line-height: 1.5; font-size: 70%} @media print { .has-continuation { display: block; } } </style>