class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # flipbookr building blocks ## what lies beneath ### Gina Reynolds, December 2019 --- ```r library(flipbookr) library(tidyverse) ``` ``` ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ── ``` ``` ## ✓ ggplot2 3.3.0 ✓ purrr 0.3.3 ## ✓ tibble 3.0.0 ✓ dplyr 0.8.5 ## ✓ tidyr 1.0.2 ✓ stringr 1.4.0 ## ✓ readr 1.3.1 ✓ forcats 0.5.0 ``` ``` ## Warning: package 'tibble' was built under R version 3.6.2 ``` ``` ## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ── ## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter() ## x dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag() ``` ```r knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 6, message = F, warning = F, comment = "", cache = F) ``` ```r xaringanthemer::mono_accent( code_highlight_color = "rgba(255, 211, 0, .35)", base_color = "#03418A") ``` ``` [1] "xaringan-themer.css" ``` --- We'll use the tidyverse packages to create a pipeline, and flipbookr to walk through the steps in this pipeline. ```r library(tidyverse) library(flipbookr) ``` The input code to be "flipbookified" is below: ```r cars %>% #BREAK ggplot() + aes(x = speed) + aes(color = speed) + #BREAK2 geom_rug() #BREAK ``` --- Let's first look at the result of using flipbookr to bring this code. --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-cars_plot-auto[ ```r *cars ``` ] .right-panel-cars_plot-auto[ ``` speed dist 1 4 2 2 4 10 3 7 4 4 7 22 5 8 16 6 9 10 7 10 18 8 10 26 9 10 34 10 11 17 11 11 28 12 12 14 13 12 20 14 12 24 15 12 28 16 13 26 17 13 34 18 13 34 19 13 46 20 14 26 21 14 36 22 14 60 23 14 80 24 15 20 25 15 26 26 15 54 27 16 32 28 16 40 29 17 32 30 17 40 31 17 50 32 18 42 33 18 56 34 18 76 35 18 84 36 19 36 37 19 46 38 19 68 39 20 32 40 20 48 41 20 52 42 20 56 43 20 64 44 22 66 45 23 54 46 24 70 47 24 92 48 24 93 49 24 120 50 25 85 ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-cars_plot-auto[ ```r cars %>% * ggplot() ``` ] .right-panel-cars_plot-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-cars_plot-auto[ ```r cars %>% ggplot() + * aes(x = speed) ``` ] .right-panel-cars_plot-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-cars_plot-auto[ ```r cars %>% ggplot() + aes(x = speed) + * aes(color = speed) ``` ] .right-panel-cars_plot-auto[ <!-- --> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-cars_plot-auto[ ```r cars %>% ggplot() + aes(x = speed) + aes(color = speed) + * geom_rug() ``` ] .right-panel-cars_plot-auto[ <!-- --> ] <style> .left-panel-cars_plot-auto { color: #777; width: 38%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-cars_plot-auto { width: 60%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-cars_plot-auto { width: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- # Move to automate ## 1. *Automatically* parsing a block of input code -- ## 2. *Automatically* reconstructing code into partial builds -- ## 3. *Automatically* delivered on a presentation platform (here Xaringan) --- Now, lets look at some of the functions working in the background. --- class: middle center inverse # Step 1 ## Parse block of input code --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ```r *library(flipbookr) ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` function (package, help, pos = 2, lib.loc = NULL, character.only = FALSE, logical.return = FALSE, warn.conflicts, quietly = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose"), mask.ok, exclude, include.only, attach.required = missing(include.only)) { conf.ctrl <- getOption("conflicts.policy") if (is.character(conf.ctrl)) conf.ctrl <- switch(conf.ctrl, strict = list(error = TRUE, warn = FALSE), depends.ok = list(error = TRUE, generics.ok = TRUE, can.mask = c("base", "methods", "utils", "grDevices", "graphics", "stats"), depends.ok = TRUE), warning(gettextf("unknown conflict policy: %s", sQuote(conf.ctrl)), call. = FALSE, domain = NA)) if (!is.list(conf.ctrl)) conf.ctrl <- NULL stopOnConflict <- isTRUE(conf.ctrl$error) if (missing(warn.conflicts)) warn.conflicts <- if (isFALSE(conf.ctrl$warn)) FALSE else TRUE if ((!missing(include.only)) && (!missing(exclude))) stop(gettext("only one of 'include.only' and 'exclude' can be used"), call. = FALSE, domain = NA) testRversion <- function(pkgInfo, pkgname, pkgpath) { if (is.null(built <- pkgInfo$Built)) stop(gettextf("package %s has not been installed properly\n", sQuote(pkgname)), call. = FALSE, domain = NA) R_version_built_under <- as.numeric_version(built$R) if (R_version_built_under < "3.0.0") stop(gettextf("package %s was built before R 3.0.0: please re-install it", sQuote(pkgname)), call. = FALSE, domain = NA) current <- getRversion() if (length(Rdeps <- pkgInfo$Rdepends2)) { for (dep in Rdeps) if (length(dep) > 1L) { target <- dep$version res <- if (is.character(target)) {$op, list(as.numeric(R.version[["svn rev"]]), as.numeric(sub("^r", "", dep$version)))) } else {$op, list(current, as.numeric_version(target))) } if (!res) stop(gettextf("This is R %s, package %s needs %s %s", current, sQuote(pkgname), dep$op, target), call. = FALSE, domain = NA) } } if (R_version_built_under > current) warning(gettextf("package %s was built under R version %s", sQuote(pkgname), as.character(built$R)), call. = FALSE, domain = NA) platform <- built$Platform r_arch <- .Platform$r_arch if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") { } else { if (nzchar(platform) && !grepl("mingw", platform)) stop(gettextf("package %s was built for %s", sQuote(pkgname), platform), call. = FALSE, domain = NA) } if (nzchar(r_arch) && file.exists(file.path(pkgpath, "libs")) && !file.exists(file.path(pkgpath, "libs", r_arch))) stop(gettextf("package %s is not installed for 'arch = %s'", sQuote(pkgname), r_arch), call. = FALSE, domain = NA) } checkNoGenerics <- function(env, pkg) { nenv <- env ns <- .getNamespace( if (!is.null(ns)) nenv <- asNamespace(ns) if (exists(".noGenerics", envir = nenv, inherits = FALSE)) TRUE else { !any(startsWith(names(env), ".__T")) } } checkConflicts <- function(package, pkgname, pkgpath, nogenerics, env) { dont.mind <- c("last.dump", "last.warning", ".Last.value", ".Random.seed", ".Last.lib", ".onDetach", ".packageName", ".noGenerics", ".required", ".no_S3_generics", ".Depends", ".requireCachedGenerics") sp <- search() lib.pos <- which(sp == pkgname) ob <- names(as.environment(lib.pos)) if (!nogenerics) { these <- ob[startsWith(ob, ".__T__")] gen <- gsub(".__T__(.*):([^:]+)", "\\1", these) from <- gsub(".__T__(.*):([^:]+)", "\\2", these) gen <- gen[from != package] ob <- ob[!(ob %in% gen)] } ipos <- seq_along(sp)[-c(lib.pos, match(c("Autoloads", "CheckExEnv"), sp, 0L))] cpos <- NULL conflicts <- vector("list", 0) for (i in ipos) { obj.same <- match(names(as.environment(i)), ob, nomatch = 0L) if (any(obj.same > 0)) { same <- ob[obj.same] same <- same[!(same %in% dont.mind)] Classobjs <- which(startsWith(same, ".__")) if (length(Classobjs)) same <- same[-Classobjs] same.isFn <- function(where) vapply(same, exists, NA, where = where, mode = "function", inherits = FALSE) same <- same[same.isFn(i) == same.isFn(lib.pos)] not.Ident <- function(ch, TRAFO = identity, ...) vapply(ch, function(.) !identical(TRAFO(get(., i)), TRAFO(get(., lib.pos)), ...), NA) if (length(same)) same <- same[not.Ident(same)] if (length(same) && identical(sp[i], "package:base")) same <- same[not.Ident(same, ignore.environment = TRUE)] if (length(same)) { conflicts[[sp[i]]] <- same cpos[sp[i]] <- i } } } if (length(conflicts)) { if (stopOnConflict) { emsg <- "" pkg <- names(conflicts) notOK <- vector("list", 0) for (i in seq_along(conflicts)) { pkgname <- sub("^package:", "", pkg[i]) if (pkgname %in% canMaskEnv$canMask) next same <- conflicts[[i]] if (is.list(mask.ok)) myMaskOK <- mask.ok[[pkgname]] else myMaskOK <- mask.ok if (isTRUE(myMaskOK)) same <- NULL else if (is.character(myMaskOK)) same <- setdiff(same, myMaskOK) if (length(same)) { notOK[[pkg[i]]] <- same msg <- .maskedMsg(sort(same), pkg = sQuote(pkg[i]), by = cpos[i] < lib.pos) emsg <- paste(emsg, msg, sep = "\n") } } if (length(notOK)) { msg <- gettextf("Conflicts attaching package %s:\n%s", sQuote(package), emsg) stop(errorCondition(msg, package = package, conflicts = conflicts, class = "packageConflictError")) } } if (warn.conflicts) { packageStartupMessage(gettextf("\nAttaching package: %s\n", sQuote(package)), domain = NA) pkg <- names(conflicts) for (i in seq_along(conflicts)) { msg <- .maskedMsg(sort(conflicts[[i]]), pkg = sQuote(pkg[i]), by = cpos[i] < lib.pos) packageStartupMessage(msg, domain = NA) } } } } if (verbose && quietly) message("'verbose' and 'quietly' are both true; being verbose then ..") if (!missing(package)) { if (is.null(lib.loc)) lib.loc <- .libPaths() lib.loc <- lib.loc[dir.exists(lib.loc)] if (!character.only) package <- as.character(substitute(package)) if (length(package) != 1L) stop("'package' must be of length 1") if ( || (package == "")) stop("invalid package name") pkgname <- paste0("package:", package) newpackage <-, search())) if (newpackage) { pkgpath <- find.package(package, lib.loc, quiet = TRUE, verbose = verbose) if (length(pkgpath) == 0L) { if (length(lib.loc) && !logical.return) stop(packageNotFoundError(package, lib.loc, txt <- if (length(lib.loc)) gettextf("there is no package called %s", sQuote(package)) else gettext("no library trees found in 'lib.loc'") if (logical.return) { warning(txt, domain = NA) return(FALSE) } else stop(txt, domain = NA) } which.lib.loc <- normalizePath(dirname(pkgpath), "/", TRUE) pfile <- system.file("Meta", "package.rds", package = package, lib.loc = which.lib.loc) if (!nzchar(pfile)) stop(gettextf("%s is not a valid installed package", sQuote(package)), domain = NA) pkgInfo <- readRDS(pfile) testRversion(pkgInfo, package, pkgpath) if (is.character(pos)) { npos <- match(pos, search()) if ( { warning(gettextf("%s not found on search path, using pos = 2", sQuote(pos)), domain = NA) pos <- 2 } else pos <- npos } deps <- unique(names(pkgInfo$Depends)) depsOK <- isTRUE(conf.ctrl$depends.ok) if (depsOK) { canMaskEnv <- dynGet("__library_can_mask__", NULL) if (is.null(canMaskEnv)) { canMaskEnv <- new.env() canMaskEnv$canMask <- union("base", conf.ctrl$can.mask) "__library_can_mask__" <- canMaskEnv } canMaskEnv$canMask <- unique(c(package, deps, canMaskEnv$canMask)) } else canMaskEnv <- NULL if (attach.required) .getRequiredPackages2(pkgInfo, quietly = quietly) cr <- conflictRules(package) if (missing(mask.ok)) mask.ok <- cr$mask.ok if (missing(exclude)) exclude <- cr$exclude if (packageHasNamespace(package, which.lib.loc)) { if (isNamespaceLoaded(package)) { newversion <- as.numeric_version(pkgInfo$DESCRIPTION["Version"]) oldversion <- as.numeric_version(getNamespaceVersion(package)) if (newversion != oldversion) { tryCatch(unloadNamespace(package), error = function(e) { P <- if (!is.null(cc <- conditionCall(e))) paste("Error in", deparse(cc)[1L], ": ") else "Error : " stop(gettextf("Package %s version %s cannot be unloaded:\n %s", sQuote(package), oldversion, paste0(P, conditionMessage(e), "\n")), domain = NA) }) } } tt <- tryCatch({ attr(package, "LibPath") <- which.lib.loc ns <- loadNamespace(package, lib.loc) env <- attachNamespace(ns, pos = pos, deps, exclude, include.only) }, error = function(e) { P <- if (!is.null(cc <- conditionCall(e))) paste(" in", deparse(cc)[1L]) else "" msg <- gettextf("package or namespace load failed for %s%s:\n %s", sQuote(package), P, conditionMessage(e)) if (logical.return) message(paste("Error:", msg), domain = NA) else stop(msg, call. = FALSE, domain = NA) }) if (logical.return && is.null(tt)) return(FALSE) attr(package, "LibPath") <- NULL { on.exit(detach(pos = pos)) nogenerics <- !.isMethodsDispatchOn() || checkNoGenerics(env, package) if (isFALSE(conf.ctrl$generics.ok) || (stopOnConflict && !isTRUE(conf.ctrl$generics.ok))) nogenerics <- TRUE if (stopOnConflict || (warn.conflicts && !exists(".conflicts.OK", envir = env, inherits = FALSE))) checkConflicts(package, pkgname, pkgpath, nogenerics, ns) on.exit() if (logical.return) return(TRUE) else return(invisible(.packages())) } } else stop(gettextf("package %s does not have a namespace and should be re-installed", sQuote(package)), domain = NA) } if (verbose && !newpackage) warning(gettextf("package %s already present in search()", sQuote(package)), domain = NA) } else if (!missing(help)) { if (!character.only) help <- as.character(substitute(help)) pkgName <- help[1L] pkgPath <- find.package(pkgName, lib.loc, verbose = verbose) docFiles <- c(file.path(pkgPath, "Meta", "package.rds"), file.path(pkgPath, "INDEX")) if (file.exists(vignetteIndexRDS <- file.path(pkgPath, "Meta", "vignette.rds"))) docFiles <- c(docFiles, vignetteIndexRDS) pkgInfo <- vector("list", 3L) readDocFile <- function(f) { if (basename(f) %in% "package.rds") { txt <- readRDS(f)$DESCRIPTION if ("Encoding" %in% names(txt)) { to <- if (Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") == "C") "ASCII//TRANSLIT" else "" tmp <- try(iconv(txt, from = txt["Encoding"], to = to)) if (!inherits(tmp, "try-error")) txt <- tmp else warning("'DESCRIPTION' has an 'Encoding' field and re-encoding is not possible", call. = FALSE) } nm <- paste0(names(txt), ":") formatDL(nm, txt, indent = max(nchar(nm, "w")) + 3L) } else if (basename(f) %in% "vignette.rds") { txt <- readRDS(f) if ( && nrow(txt)) cbind(basename(gsub("\\.[[:alpha:]]+$", "", txt$File)), paste(txt$Title, paste0("(source", NROW(txt)), ifelse(nzchar(txt$PDF), ", pdf", ""), ")"))) else NULL } else readLines(f) } for (i in which(file.exists(docFiles))) pkgInfo[[i]] <- readDocFile(docFiles[i]) y <- list(name = pkgName, path = pkgPath, info = pkgInfo) class(y) <- "packageInfo" return(y) } else { if (is.null(lib.loc)) lib.loc <- .libPaths() db <- matrix(character(), nrow = 0L, ncol = 3L) nopkgs <- character() for (lib in lib.loc) { a <- .packages(all.available = TRUE, lib.loc = lib) for (i in sort(a)) { file <- system.file("Meta", "package.rds", package = i, lib.loc = lib) title <- if (nzchar(file)) { txt <- readRDS(file) if (is.list(txt)) txt <- txt$DESCRIPTION if ("Encoding" %in% names(txt)) { to <- if (Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") == "C") "ASCII//TRANSLIT" else "" tmp <- try(iconv(txt, txt["Encoding"], to, "?")) if (!inherits(tmp, "try-error")) txt <- tmp else warning("'DESCRIPTION' has an 'Encoding' field and re-encoding is not possible", call. = FALSE) } txt["Title"] } else NA if ( title <- " ** No title available ** " db <- rbind(db, cbind(i, lib, title)) } if (length(a) == 0L) nopkgs <- c(nopkgs, lib) } dimnames(db) <- list(NULL, c("Package", "LibPath", "Title")) if (length(nopkgs) && !missing(lib.loc)) { pkglist <- paste(sQuote(nopkgs), collapse = ", ") msg <- sprintf(ngettext(length(nopkgs), "library %s contains no packages", "libraries %s contain no packages"), pkglist) warning(msg, domain = NA) } y <- list(header = NULL, results = db, footer = NULL) class(y) <- "libraryIQR" return(y) } if (logical.return) TRUE else invisible(.packages()) } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a11607c0> <environment: namespace:base> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ```r library(flipbookr) *create_code() ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` function () { "cars %>% # the data #BREAK\n filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset\n ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot\n aes(x = speed) +\n aes(y = dist) +\n # Describing what follows\n geom_point(alpha = .3) + #BREAK\n geom_point(alpha = 1) + #BREAK2\n geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + #BREAK3\n aes(color =\n speed > 14\n ) %+%\n cars ->\n my_plot #BREAK\n\n\n 1 + 1 #BREAK" } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a91b99d8> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` [1] "cars %>% # the data #BREAK\n filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset\n ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot\n aes(x = speed) +\n aes(y = dist) +\n # Describing what follows\n geom_point(alpha = .3) + #BREAK\n geom_point(alpha = 1) + #BREAK2\n geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + #BREAK3\n aes(color =\n speed > 14\n ) %+%\n cars ->\n my_plot #BREAK\n\n\n 1 + 1 #BREAK" ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ```r library(flipbookr) create_code() %>% * code_as_table() ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` function (code) { code %>% stringr::str_split(pattern = "\n") %>% .[[1]] %>% tibble::tibble(raw_code = .) %>% dplyr::mutate(line = 1:dplyr::n()) } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a5a48f20> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 17 x 2 raw_code line <chr> <int> 1 "cars %>% # the data #BREAK" 1 2 " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" 2 3 " ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot" 3 4 " aes(x = speed) +" 4 5 " aes(y = dist) +" 5 6 " # Describing what follows" 6 7 " geom_point(alpha = .3) + #BREAK" 7 8 " geom_point(alpha = 1) + #BREAK2" 8 9 " geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + #BREAK3" 9 10 " aes(color =" 10 11 " speed > 14" 11 12 " ) %+%" 12 13 " cars ->" 13 14 " my_plot #BREAK" 14 15 "" 15 16 "" 16 17 " 1 + 1 #BREAK" 17 ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ```r library(flipbookr) create_code() %>% code_as_table() %>% * code_as_table_process_break_messages() ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` function (code_as_table) { code_as_table %>% dplyr::mutate(raw_code = stringr::str_remove(raw_code, "\\s+$")) %>% dplyr::mutate(non_seq = stringr::str_extract(raw_code, "#BREAK-?\\d+")) %>% dplyr::mutate(non_seq = stringr::str_extract(non_seq, "-?\\d+")) %>% dplyr::mutate(non_seq = as.numeric(non_seq)) %>% dplyr::mutate(non_seq = tidyr::replace_na(non_seq, 1)) %>% dplyr::mutate(user = stringr::str_detect(raw_code, "#BREAK$")) %>% dplyr::mutate(rotate = stringr::str_detect(raw_code, "#ROTATE$")) } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a5b24040> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 17 x 5 raw_code line non_seq user rotate <chr> <int> <dbl> <lgl> <lgl> 1 "cars %>% # the data #BREAK" 1 1 TRUE FALSE 2 " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" 2 1 FALSE FALSE 3 " ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot" 3 1 FALSE FALSE 4 " aes(x = speed) +" 4 1 FALSE FALSE 5 " aes(y = dist) +" 5 1 FALSE FALSE 6 " # Describing what follows" 6 1 FALSE FALSE 7 " geom_point(alpha = .3) + #BREAK" 7 1 TRUE FALSE 8 " geom_point(alpha = 1) + #BREAK2" 8 2 FALSE FALSE 9 " geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + #BREAK3" 9 3 FALSE FALSE 10 " aes(color =" 10 1 FALSE FALSE 11 " speed > 14" 11 1 FALSE FALSE 12 " ) %+%" 12 1 FALSE FALSE 13 " cars ->" 13 1 FALSE FALSE 14 " my_plot #BREAK" 14 1 TRUE FALSE 15 "" 15 1 FALSE FALSE 16 "" 16 1 FALSE FALSE 17 " 1 + 1 #BREAK" 17 1 TRUE FALSE ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ```r library(flipbookr) create_code() %>% code_as_table() %>% code_as_table_process_break_messages() -> *hide_away ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ] .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ```r library(flipbookr) create_code() %>% code_as_table() %>% code_as_table_process_break_messages() -> hide_away *create_code() ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` function () { "cars %>% # the data #BREAK\n filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset\n ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot\n aes(x = speed) +\n aes(y = dist) +\n # Describing what follows\n geom_point(alpha = .3) + #BREAK\n geom_point(alpha = 1) + #BREAK2\n geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + #BREAK3\n aes(color =\n speed > 14\n ) %+%\n cars ->\n my_plot #BREAK\n\n\n 1 + 1 #BREAK" } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a91b99d8> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` [1] "cars %>% # the data #BREAK\n filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset\n ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot\n aes(x = speed) +\n aes(y = dist) +\n # Describing what follows\n geom_point(alpha = .3) + #BREAK\n geom_point(alpha = 1) + #BREAK2\n geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + #BREAK3\n aes(color =\n speed > 14\n ) %+%\n cars ->\n my_plot #BREAK\n\n\n 1 + 1 #BREAK" ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ```r library(flipbookr) create_code() %>% code_as_table() %>% code_as_table_process_break_messages() -> hide_away create_code() %>% * r_code_base_parse() ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` function (code) { sf <- srcfile(code) try(parse(text = code, srcfile = sf)) utils::getParseData(sf) } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a55a17b8> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` line1 col1 line2 col2 id parent token terminal 137 1 1 14 9 137 0 expr FALSE 131 1 1 13 6 131 137 expr FALSE 105 1 1 9 25 105 131 expr FALSE 90 1 1 8 23 90 105 expr FALSE 75 1 1 7 24 75 90 expr FALSE 59 1 1 5 15 59 75 expr FALSE 45 1 1 4 16 45 59 expr FALSE 30 1 1 3 10 30 45 expr FALSE 20 1 1 2 19 20 30 expr FALSE 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 SYMBOL TRUE 3 1 1 1 4 3 20 expr FALSE 2 1 6 1 8 2 20 SPECIAL TRUE 4 1 22 1 39 4 20 COMMENT TRUE 18 2 3 2 19 18 20 expr FALSE 6 2 3 2 8 6 8 SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL TRUE 8 2 3 2 8 8 18 expr FALSE 7 2 9 2 9 7 18 '(' TRUE 15 2 10 2 18 15 18 expr FALSE 9 2 10 2 14 9 11 SYMBOL TRUE 11 2 10 2 14 11 15 expr FALSE 10 2 16 2 16 10 15 GT TRUE 12 2 18 2 18 12 13 NUM_CONST TRUE 13 2 18 2 18 13 15 expr FALSE 14 2 19 2 19 14 18 ')' TRUE 19 2 21 2 23 19 30 SPECIAL TRUE 21 2 26 2 33 21 30 COMMENT TRUE 28 3 3 3 10 28 30 expr FALSE 23 3 3 3 8 23 25 SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL TRUE 25 3 3 3 8 25 28 expr FALSE 24 3 9 3 9 24 28 '(' TRUE 26 3 10 3 10 26 28 ')' TRUE 29 3 12 3 12 29 45 '+' TRUE 31 3 27 3 42 31 45 COMMENT TRUE 43 4 3 4 16 43 45 expr FALSE 33 4 3 4 5 33 35 SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL TRUE 35 4 3 4 5 35 43 expr FALSE 34 4 6 4 6 34 43 '(' TRUE 36 4 7 4 7 36 43 SYMBOL_SUB TRUE 37 4 9 4 9 37 43 EQ_SUB TRUE 38 4 11 4 15 38 40 SYMBOL TRUE 40 4 11 4 15 40 43 expr FALSE 39 4 16 4 16 39 43 ')' TRUE 44 4 18 4 18 44 59 '+' TRUE 57 5 3 5 15 57 59 expr FALSE 47 5 3 5 5 47 49 SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL TRUE 49 5 3 5 5 49 57 expr FALSE 48 5 6 5 6 48 57 '(' TRUE 50 5 7 5 7 50 57 SYMBOL_SUB TRUE 51 5 9 5 9 51 57 EQ_SUB TRUE 52 5 11 5 14 52 54 SYMBOL TRUE 54 5 11 5 14 54 57 expr FALSE 53 5 15 5 15 53 57 ')' TRUE 58 5 17 5 17 58 75 '+' TRUE 61 6 3 6 27 61 75 COMMENT TRUE 73 7 3 7 24 73 75 expr FALSE 63 7 3 7 12 63 65 SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL TRUE 65 7 3 7 12 65 73 expr FALSE 64 7 13 7 13 64 73 '(' TRUE 66 7 14 7 18 66 73 SYMBOL_SUB TRUE 67 7 20 7 20 67 73 EQ_SUB TRUE 68 7 22 7 23 68 69 NUM_CONST TRUE 69 7 22 7 23 69 73 expr FALSE 70 7 24 7 24 70 73 ')' TRUE 74 7 26 7 26 74 90 '+' TRUE 76 7 28 7 33 76 90 COMMENT TRUE 88 8 3 8 23 88 90 expr FALSE 78 8 3 8 12 78 80 SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL TRUE 80 8 3 8 12 80 88 expr FALSE 79 8 13 8 13 79 88 '(' TRUE 81 8 14 8 18 81 88 SYMBOL_SUB TRUE 82 8 20 8 20 82 88 EQ_SUB TRUE 83 8 22 8 22 83 84 NUM_CONST TRUE 84 8 22 8 22 84 88 expr FALSE 85 8 23 8 23 85 88 ')' TRUE 89 8 25 8 25 89 105 '+' TRUE 91 8 27 8 33 91 105 COMMENT TRUE 103 9 3 9 25 103 105 expr FALSE 93 9 3 9 13 93 95 SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL TRUE 95 9 3 9 13 95 103 expr FALSE 94 9 14 9 14 94 103 '(' TRUE 96 9 15 9 19 96 103 SYMBOL_SUB TRUE 97 9 21 9 21 97 103 EQ_SUB TRUE 98 9 23 9 24 98 99 NUM_CONST TRUE 99 9 23 9 24 99 103 expr FALSE 100 9 25 9 25 100 103 ')' TRUE 104 9 27 9 27 104 131 '+' TRUE 106 9 29 9 35 106 131 COMMENT TRUE 130 10 3 13 6 130 131 expr FALSE 124 10 3 12 3 124 130 expr FALSE 108 10 3 10 5 108 110 SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL TRUE 110 10 3 10 5 110 124 expr FALSE 109 10 6 10 6 109 124 '(' TRUE 111 10 7 10 11 111 124 SYMBOL_SUB TRUE 112 10 13 10 13 112 124 EQ_SUB TRUE 121 11 3 11 12 121 124 expr FALSE 114 11 3 11 7 114 116 SYMBOL TRUE 116 11 3 11 7 116 121 expr FALSE 115 11 9 11 9 115 121 GT TRUE 117 11 11 11 12 117 118 NUM_CONST TRUE 118 11 11 11 12 118 121 expr FALSE 120 12 3 12 3 120 124 ')' TRUE 125 12 5 12 7 125 130 SPECIAL TRUE 127 13 3 13 6 127 129 SYMBOL TRUE 129 13 3 13 6 129 130 expr FALSE 128 13 8 13 9 128 137 RIGHT_ASSIGN TRUE 133 14 3 14 9 133 136 SYMBOL TRUE 136 14 3 14 9 136 137 expr FALSE 134 14 12 14 17 134 -137 COMMENT TRUE 151 17 3 17 7 151 0 expr FALSE 144 17 3 17 3 144 145 NUM_CONST TRUE 145 17 3 17 3 145 151 expr FALSE 146 17 5 17 5 146 151 '+' TRUE 147 17 7 17 7 147 148 NUM_CONST TRUE 148 17 7 17 7 148 151 expr FALSE 149 17 9 17 14 149 -151 COMMENT TRUE text 137 131 105 90 75 59 45 30 20 1 cars 3 2 %>% 4 # the data #BREAK 18 6 filter 8 7 ( 15 9 speed 11 10 > 12 4 13 14 ) 19 %>% 21 # subset 28 23 ggplot 25 24 ( 26 ) 29 + 31 # pipe to ggplot 43 33 aes 35 34 ( 36 x 37 = 38 speed 40 39 ) 44 + 57 47 aes 49 48 ( 50 y 51 = 52 dist 54 53 ) 58 + 61 # Describing what follows 73 63 geom_point 65 64 ( 66 alpha 67 = 68 .3 69 70 ) 74 + 76 #BREAK 88 78 geom_point 80 79 ( 81 alpha 82 = 83 1 84 85 ) 89 + 91 #BREAK2 103 93 geom_jitter 95 94 ( 96 alpha 97 = 98 .5 99 100 ) 104 + 106 #BREAK3 130 124 108 aes 110 109 ( 111 color 112 = 121 114 speed 116 115 > 117 14 118 120 ) 125 %+% 127 cars 129 128 -> 133 my_plot 136 134 #BREAK 151 144 1 145 146 + 147 1 148 149 #BREAK ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ```r library(flipbookr) create_code() %>% code_as_table() %>% code_as_table_process_break_messages() -> hide_away create_code() %>% r_code_base_parse() %>% * r_base_parsed_count_parentheses() ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` function (base_parsed) { num_lines <- max(base_parsed$line1) all_lines <- tibble::tibble(line = 1:num_lines) base_parsed %>% dplyr::rename(line = line1) %>% dplyr::mutate(open_par = text == "(") %>% dplyr::mutate(closed_par = text == ")") %>% dplyr::mutate(open_curly = text == "{") %>% dplyr::mutate(closed_curly = text == "}") %>% dplyr::mutate(open_square = text == "[") %>% dplyr::mutate(open_square = ifelse(text == "[[", 2, open_square)) %>% dplyr::mutate(closed_square = text == "]") %>% dplyr::group_by(line) %>% dplyr::summarise(full_line = paste0(text, collapse = ""), comment = stringr::str_trim(paste0(ifelse(token == "COMMENT", text, ""), collapse = " ")), num_open_par = sum(open_par), num_closed_par = sum(closed_par), num_open_curly = sum(open_curly), num_closed_curly = sum(closed_curly), num_open_square = sum(open_square), num_closed_square = sum(closed_square)) %>% dplyr::full_join(all_lines) %>% dplyr::arrange(line) %>% dplyr::mutate(full_line = tidyr::replace_na(full_line, ""), comment = tidyr::replace_na(comment, ""), num_open_par = tidyr::replace_na(num_open_par, 0), num_closed_par = tidyr::replace_na(num_closed_par, 0), num_open_curly = tidyr::replace_na(num_open_curly, 0), num_closed_curly = tidyr::replace_na(num_closed_curly, 0), num_open_square = tidyr::replace_na(num_open_square, 0), num_closed_square = tidyr::replace_na(num_closed_square, 0)) %>% dplyr::mutate(balanced_paren = (cumsum(num_open_par) - cumsum(num_closed_par)) == 0) %>% dplyr::mutate(balanced_curly = (cumsum(num_open_curly) - cumsum(num_closed_curly)) == 0) %>% dplyr::mutate(balanced_square = (cumsum(num_open_square) - cumsum(num_closed_square)) == 0) %>% dplyr::mutate(all_parentheses_balanced = balanced_paren & balanced_curly & balanced_square) %>% dplyr::select(line, full_line, comment, all_parentheses_balanced) } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a5610bb0> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 17 x 4 line full_line comment all_parentheses_bala… <int> <chr> <chr> <lgl> 1 1 "cars%>%# the data #BREA… "# the data #BREAK" TRUE 2 2 "filter(speed>4)%>%# subs… "# subset" TRUE 3 3 "ggplot()+# pipe to ggplo… "# pipe to ggplot" TRUE 4 4 "aes(x=speed)+" "" TRUE 5 5 "aes(y=dist)+" "" TRUE 6 6 "# Describing what follow… "# Describing what fo… TRUE 7 7 "geom_point(alpha=.3)+#BR… "#BREAK" TRUE 8 8 "geom_point(alpha=1)+#BRE… "#BREAK2" TRUE 9 9 "geom_jitter(alpha=.5)+#B… "#BREAK3" TRUE 10 10 "aes(color=" "" FALSE 11 11 "speed>14" "" FALSE 12 12 ")%+%" "" TRUE 13 13 "cars->" "" TRUE 14 14 "my_plot#BREAK" "#BREAK" TRUE 15 15 "" "" TRUE 16 16 "" "" TRUE 17 17 "1+1#BREAK" "#BREAK" TRUE ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ```r library(flipbookr) create_code() %>% code_as_table() %>% code_as_table_process_break_messages() -> hide_away create_code() %>% r_code_base_parse() %>% r_base_parsed_count_parentheses() -> *hide_again ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ] .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ```r library(flipbookr) create_code() %>% code_as_table() %>% code_as_table_process_break_messages() -> hide_away create_code() %>% r_code_base_parse() %>% r_base_parsed_count_parentheses() -> hide_again *create_code() ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` function () { "cars %>% # the data #BREAK\n filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset\n ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot\n aes(x = speed) +\n aes(y = dist) +\n # Describing what follows\n geom_point(alpha = .3) + #BREAK\n geom_point(alpha = 1) + #BREAK2\n geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + #BREAK3\n aes(color =\n speed > 14\n ) %+%\n cars ->\n my_plot #BREAK\n\n\n 1 + 1 #BREAK" } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a91b99d8> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` [1] "cars %>% # the data #BREAK\n filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset\n ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot\n aes(x = speed) +\n aes(y = dist) +\n # Describing what follows\n geom_point(alpha = .3) + #BREAK\n geom_point(alpha = 1) + #BREAK2\n geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + #BREAK3\n aes(color =\n speed > 14\n ) %+%\n cars ->\n my_plot #BREAK\n\n\n 1 + 1 #BREAK" ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ```r library(flipbookr) create_code() %>% code_as_table() %>% code_as_table_process_break_messages() -> hide_away create_code() %>% r_code_base_parse() %>% r_base_parsed_count_parentheses() -> hide_again create_code() %>% * r_code_full_parse() ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` function (code = code) { arithmetic <- "\\+$|-$|\\/$|\\*$|\\^$|%%$|%\\/%$" matrix <- "%\\*%$|%o%$" ggplot_change_data <- "%\\+%$" the_magrittr <- "%>%$|%\\$%$" right_assign <- "->$" combine_booleans <- "\\|$|\\&$" connectors <- paste(arithmetic, matrix, ggplot_change_data, the_magrittr, right_assign, combine_booleans, sep = "|") raw_code_table <- code_simple_parse(code = code) parsed_code_table <- code %>% r_code_base_parse() %>% r_base_parsed_count_parentheses() raw_code_table %>% dplyr::full_join(parsed_code_table) %>% dplyr::mutate(comment = tidyr::replace_na(comment, "XXXXXXXXX")) %>% dplyr::mutate(comment = stringr::str_replace(comment, "^$", "XXXXXXXXX")) %>% dplyr::mutate(code = stringr::str_remove(raw_code, comment)) %>% dplyr::mutate(connector = stringr::str_extract(stringr::str_trim(code), connectors)) %>% dplyr::mutate(connector = tidyr::replace_na(connector, "")) %>% dplyr::mutate(comment = stringr::str_remove(comment, "#BREAK\\d?")) %>% dplyr::mutate(comment = stringr::str_remove(comment, "#ROTATE")) %>% dplyr::mutate(comment = stringr::str_remove(comment, "XXXXXXXXX")) %>% dplyr::mutate(code = stringr::str_remove(stringi::stri_trim_right(code), connectors)) %>% dplyr::mutate(auto = all_parentheses_balanced & code != "") %>% dplyr::select(line, raw_code, code, connector, comment, auto, user, non_seq, rotate) } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a5a31268> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 17 x 9 line raw_code code connector comment auto user non_seq rotate <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <lgl> <dbl> <lgl> 1 1 "cars %>% … "cars " "%>%" "# the da… TRUE TRUE 1 FALSE 2 2 " filter(spe… " filt… "%>%" "# subset" TRUE FALSE 1 FALSE 3 3 " ggplot() +… " ggpl… "+" "# pipe t… TRUE FALSE 1 FALSE 4 4 " aes(x = sp… " aes(… "+" "" TRUE FALSE 1 FALSE 5 5 " aes(y = di… " aes(… "+" "" TRUE FALSE 1 FALSE 6 6 " # Describi… "" "" "# Descri… FALSE FALSE 1 FALSE 7 7 " geom_point… " geom… "+" "" TRUE TRUE 1 FALSE 8 8 " geom_point… " geom… "+" "" TRUE FALSE 2 FALSE 9 9 " geom_jitte… " geom… "+" "" TRUE FALSE 3 FALSE 10 10 " aes(color … " aes(… "" "" FALSE FALSE 1 FALSE 11 11 " speed > 14" " spee… "" "" FALSE FALSE 1 FALSE 12 12 " ) %+%" " ) " "%+%" "" TRUE FALSE 1 FALSE 13 13 " cars ->" " cars… "->" "" TRUE FALSE 1 FALSE 14 14 " my_plot #… " my_p… "" "" TRUE TRUE 1 FALSE 15 15 "" "" "" "" FALSE FALSE 1 FALSE 16 16 "" "" "" "" FALSE FALSE 1 FALSE 17 17 " 1 + 1 #BRE… " 1 + … "" "" TRUE TRUE 1 FALSE ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ```r library(flipbookr) create_code() %>% code_as_table() %>% code_as_table_process_break_messages() -> hide_away create_code() %>% r_code_base_parse() %>% r_base_parsed_count_parentheses() -> hide_again create_code() %>% r_code_full_parse() -> *hide_more ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ] .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto[ ] <style> .left-panel-the_code_parsing-auto { color: #777; width: 32%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-the_code_parsing-auto { width: 32%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-the_code_parsing-auto { width: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- class: middle center inverse # Step 2 ## Reconstruct code into partial builds --- ## First calculate which lines need to be shown and highlighted in each frame of the mini flipbook. -- A list is returned where each frame corresponds to the element in the list. -- Within the list numbers of the lines of code for each frame is returned. -- This is dependent on what the user has set for the break_type. -- Appropriate highlighting is calculated based on what appears in previous frame and what is new in current frame. --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ```r *create_code() ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ``` function () { "cars %>% # the data #BREAK\n filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset\n ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot\n aes(x = speed) +\n aes(y = dist) +\n # Describing what follows\n geom_point(alpha = .3) + #BREAK\n geom_point(alpha = 1) + #BREAK2\n geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + #BREAK3\n aes(color =\n speed > 14\n ) %+%\n cars ->\n my_plot #BREAK\n\n\n 1 + 1 #BREAK" } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a91b99d8> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ``` [1] "cars %>% # the data #BREAK\n filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset\n ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot\n aes(x = speed) +\n aes(y = dist) +\n # Describing what follows\n geom_point(alpha = .3) + #BREAK\n geom_point(alpha = 1) + #BREAK2\n geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + #BREAK3\n aes(color =\n speed > 14\n ) %+%\n cars ->\n my_plot #BREAK\n\n\n 1 + 1 #BREAK" ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ```r create_code() %>% * code_parse() ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ``` function (code = create_code(), lang = "r") { if (lang == "r") { r_code_full_parse(code = code) %>% dplyr::mutate(func = stringr::str_extract(code, "\\w+\\(")) %>% dplyr::mutate(func = stringr::str_remove(func, "\\(")) } else if (lang == "python") { python_code_full_parse(code = code) } else if (lang == "stata") { NULL } } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a5a1ef20> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 17 x 10 line raw_code code connector comment auto user non_seq rotate func <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <lgl> <dbl> <lgl> <chr> 1 1 "cars %>% … "cars " "%>%" "# the … TRUE TRUE 1 FALSE <NA> 2 2 " filter(… " fil… "%>%" "# subs… TRUE FALSE 1 FALSE filt… 3 3 " ggplot(… " ggp… "+" "# pipe… TRUE FALSE 1 FALSE ggpl… 4 4 " aes(x =… " aes… "+" "" TRUE FALSE 1 FALSE aes 5 5 " aes(y =… " aes… "+" "" TRUE FALSE 1 FALSE aes 6 6 " # Descr… "" "" "# Desc… FALSE FALSE 1 FALSE <NA> 7 7 " geom_po… " geo… "+" "" TRUE TRUE 1 FALSE geom… 8 8 " geom_po… " geo… "+" "" TRUE FALSE 2 FALSE geom… 9 9 " geom_ji… " geo… "+" "" TRUE FALSE 3 FALSE geom… 10 10 " aes(col… " aes… "" "" FALSE FALSE 1 FALSE aes 11 11 " speed >… " spe… "" "" FALSE FALSE 1 FALSE <NA> 12 12 " ) %+%" " ) " "%+%" "" TRUE FALSE 1 FALSE <NA> 13 13 " cars ->" " car… "->" "" TRUE FALSE 1 FALSE <NA> 14 14 " my_plot… " my_… "" "" TRUE TRUE 1 FALSE <NA> 15 15 "" "" "" "" FALSE FALSE 1 FALSE <NA> 16 16 "" "" "" "" FALSE FALSE 1 FALSE <NA> 17 17 " 1 + 1 #… " 1 +… "" "" TRUE TRUE 1 FALSE <NA> ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ```r create_code() %>% code_parse() %>% * parsed_calc_show() ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ``` function (parsed, break_type = "auto") { if (break_type == "auto") { code_order <- cumsum(parsed$auto) + 1 - parsed$auto num_panes <- max(code_order) } else if (break_type == "user") { code_order <- cumsum(parsed$user) + 1 - parsed$user num_panes <- max(code_order) } else if (break_type == "non_seq") { code_order <- parsed$non_seq num_panes <- max(abs(code_order)) } else if (is.numeric(break_type)) { code_order <- rep(1, nrow(parsed)) num_panes <- break_type } else if (break_type == "rotate") { num_panes <- sum(parsed$rotate) } which_show <- list() if (break_type == "rotate") { for (i in 1:num_panes) { which_show[[i]] <- sort(c(which(!parsed$rotate), which(parsed$rotate)[i])) } } else { for (i in 1:num_panes) { which_show[[i]] <- which(code_order <= i) } } which_show } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a3b47400> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ``` [[1]] [1] 1 [[2]] [1] 1 2 [[3]] [1] 1 2 3 [[4]] [1] 1 2 3 4 [[5]] [1] 1 2 3 4 5 [[6]] [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [[7]] [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [[8]] [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [[9]] [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [[10]] [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [[11]] [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [[12]] [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ```r create_code() %>% code_parse() %>% parsed_calc_show() %>% * shown_lines_calc_highlight() ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ``` function (which_show = list(c(1, 2), c(1, 2, 3, 4)), break_type = "auto") { which_highlight <- list() if (break_type == "user" | break_type == "auto") { which_highlight[[1]] <- which_show[[1]] } if (break_type == "non_seq" | break_type == "rotate") { which_highlight[[1]] <- as.integer(c()) } if (break_type %in% c("user", "auto", "non_seq", "rotate")) { for (i in 2:length(which_show)) { which_highlight[[i]] <- which_show[[i]][!(which_show[[i]] %in% which_show[[i - 1]])] } } if (is.numeric(break_type)) { for (i in 1:length(which_show)) { which_highlight[[i]] <- as.integer(c()) } } which_highlight } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a5200e08> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ``` [[1]] [1] 1 [[2]] [1] 2 [[3]] [1] 3 [[4]] [1] 4 [[5]] [1] 5 [[6]] [1] 6 7 [[7]] [1] 8 [[8]] [1] 9 [[9]] [1] 10 11 12 [[10]] [1] 13 [[11]] [1] 14 [[12]] [1] 15 16 17 ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ```r create_code() %>% code_parse() %>% parsed_calc_show() %>% shown_lines_calc_highlight() -> *hiding ``` ] .middle-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ] .right-panel-the_code_highlight-auto[ ] <style> .left-panel-the_code_highlight-auto { color: #777; width: 32%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-the_code_highlight-auto { width: 32%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-the_code_highlight-auto { width: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- ## Based on the calculation, return partial code builds for each frame of the flipbook. -- We create a list of strings of the partial builds, which can be saved as an object `code_seq`. --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ```r create_code() %>% code_parse() %>% parsed_return_partial_code() ``` ] .middle-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ] .right-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ``` [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" [3] " ggplot() # pipe to ggplot#<<" ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ```r create_code() %>% code_parse() %>% * parsed_left_assign_return_partial_code() ``` ] .middle-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ``` function (parsed, which_show_frame = 1:3, which_highlight_frame = 3) { the_reveal <- parsed_return_partial_code(parsed, which_show_frame, which_highlight_frame) object_to_track <- the_reveal[1] %>% stringr::str_extract(".+\\<-|.+\\=") %>% stringr::str_remove("<-|=") %>% stringr::str_trim() c(the_reveal, " ", object_to_track) } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a552d390> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ``` [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" [3] " ggplot() # pipe to ggplot#<<" " " [5] NA ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ```r create_code() %>% code_parse() %>% * parsed_return_partial_code_sequence() ``` ] .middle-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ``` function (parsed, break_type = "auto", which_show = parsed_calc_show(parsed = parsed, break_type = break_type), which_highlight = shown_lines_calc_highlight(which_show = which_show, break_type = break_type), left_assign = F) { partial_code_frames <- list() for (i in 1:length(which_show)) { if (left_assign == F) { partial_code_frames[[i]] <- parsed_return_partial_code(parsed, which_show_frame = which_show[[i]], which_highlight_frame = which_highlight[[i]]) } else { partial_code_frames[[i]] <- parsed_left_assign_return_partial_code(parsed, which_show_frame = which_show[[i]], which_highlight_frame = which_highlight[[i]]) } } partial_code_frames } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a50e6238> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ``` [[1]] [1] "cars # the data #<<" [[2]] [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) # subset#<<" [[3]] [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" [3] " ggplot() # pipe to ggplot#<<" [[4]] [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" [3] " ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot" " aes(x = speed) #<<" [[5]] [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" [3] " ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot" " aes(x = speed) + " [5] " aes(y = dist) #<<" [[6]] [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" [3] " ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot" " aes(x = speed) + " [5] " aes(y = dist) + " "# Describing what follows" [7] " geom_point(alpha = .3) #<<" [[7]] [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" [3] " ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot" " aes(x = speed) + " [5] " aes(y = dist) + " "# Describing what follows" [7] " geom_point(alpha = .3) + " " geom_point(alpha = 1) #<<" [[8]] [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" [3] " ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot" " aes(x = speed) + " [5] " aes(y = dist) + " "# Describing what follows" [7] " geom_point(alpha = .3) + " " geom_point(alpha = 1) + " [9] " geom_jitter(alpha = .5) #<<" [[9]] [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" [3] " ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot" " aes(x = speed) + " [5] " aes(y = dist) + " "# Describing what follows" [7] " geom_point(alpha = .3) + " " geom_point(alpha = 1) + " [9] " geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + " " aes(color = #<<" [11] " speed > 14 #<<" " ) #<<" [[10]] [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" [3] " ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot" " aes(x = speed) + " [5] " aes(y = dist) + " "# Describing what follows" [7] " geom_point(alpha = .3) + " " geom_point(alpha = 1) + " [9] " geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + " " aes(color = " [11] " speed > 14 " " ) %+% " [13] " cars #<<" [[11]] [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" [3] " ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot" " aes(x = speed) + " [5] " aes(y = dist) + " "# Describing what follows" [7] " geom_point(alpha = .3) + " " geom_point(alpha = 1) + " [9] " geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + " " aes(color = " [11] " speed > 14 " " ) %+% " [13] " cars -> " " my_plot #<<" [[12]] [1] "cars %>% # the data " " filter(speed > 4) %>% # subset" [3] " ggplot() + # pipe to ggplot" " aes(x = speed) + " [5] " aes(y = dist) + " "# Describing what follows" [7] " geom_point(alpha = .3) + " " geom_point(alpha = 1) + " [9] " geom_jitter(alpha = .5) + " " aes(color = " [11] " speed > 14 " " ) %+% " [13] " cars -> " " my_plot " [15] "" "" [17] " 1 + 1 #<<" ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ```r create_code() %>% code_parse() %>% * parsed_return_recent_function() ``` ] .middle-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ``` function (parsed, which_highlight_frame = 3) { parsed %>% dplyr::filter(line %in% which_highlight_frame) %>% dplyr::pull(func) } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a5008820> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ``` [1] "ggplot" ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ```r create_code() %>% code_parse() %>% * parsed_return_recent_function_sequence() ``` ] .middle-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ``` function (parsed, break_type = "auto", which_show = parsed_calc_show(parsed = parsed, break_type = break_type), which_highlight = shown_lines_calc_highlight(which_show = which_show, break_type = break_type), left_assign = F) { partial_recent_functions <- list() for (i in 1:length(which_show)) { if (left_assign == F) { partial_recent_functions[[i]] <- parsed_return_recent_function(parsed, which_highlight_frame = which_highlight[[i]]) %>% .[!] } else { partial_recent_functions[[i]] <- parsed_return_recent_function(parsed, which_highlight_frame = which_highlight[[i]]) %>% .[!] } } partial_recent_functions } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a25c1660> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate[ ``` [[1]] character(0) [[2]] [1] "filter" [[3]] [1] "ggplot" [[4]] [1] "aes" [[5]] [1] "aes" [[6]] [1] "geom_point" [[7]] [1] "geom_point" [[8]] [1] "geom_jitter" [[9]] [1] "aes" [[10]] character(0) [[11]] character(0) [[12]] character(0) ``` ] <style> .left-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate { color: #777; width: 32%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate { width: 32%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-return_partial_and_sequence-rotate { width: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- class: middle center inverse # Step 3 ## Deliver to a presentation platform (here Xaringan) --- ## We have generic code chunk templates ... --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-returns-rotate[ ```r return_partial_chunks_template_code() ``` ] .middle-panel-returns-rotate[ ] .right-panel-returns-rotate[ ``` [1] "```{<<<lang>>> <<<chunk_name>>>_<<<break_type>>>_<<<breaks>>>_code, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, code = code_seq[[<<<breaks>>>]]}\n```" ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-returns-rotate[ ```r *return_partial_chunks_template_output() ``` ] .middle-panel-returns-rotate[ ``` function () { "```{<<<lang>>> <<<chunk_name>>>_<<<break_type>>>_<<<breaks>>>_output, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, code = code_seq[[<<<breaks>>>]]}\n```" } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a46874e8> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-returns-rotate[ ``` [1] "```{<<<lang>>> <<<chunk_name>>>_<<<break_type>>>_<<<breaks>>>_output, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, code = code_seq[[<<<breaks>>>]]}\n```" ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-returns-rotate[ ```r *return_partial_chunks_template_function() ``` ] .middle-panel-returns-rotate[ ``` function () { "```{<<<lang>>> <<<chunk_name>>>_<<<break_type>>>_<<<breaks>>>_function, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, code = func_seq[[<<<breaks>>>]]}\n```" } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a4686f38> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-returns-rotate[ ``` [1] "```{<<<lang>>> <<<chunk_name>>>_<<<break_type>>>_<<<breaks>>>_function, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, code = func_seq[[<<<breaks>>>]]}\n```" ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-returns-rotate[ ```r *return_markdown(text = "my. short. text.", sep = "\\.") ``` ] .middle-panel-returns-rotate[ ``` function (text, sep = "|") { text %>% stringr::str_split(pattern = sep) } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a7593bc8> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-returns-rotate[ ``` [[1]] [1] "my" " short" " text" "" ``` ] <style> .left-panel-returns-rotate { color: #777; width: 32%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-returns-rotate { width: 32%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-returns-rotate { width: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- ## ... which are used to create chunks of code and output displayed side-by-side ```r chunk_expand(chunk_name = "cars_plot") ``` ```` class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-cars_plot-auto[ ```{r cars_plot_auto_1_code, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, code = code_seq[[1]]} ``` ] .right-panel-cars_plot-auto[ ```{r cars_plot_auto_1_output, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, code = code_seq[[1]]} ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-cars_plot-auto[ ```{r cars_plot_auto_2_code, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, code = code_seq[[2]]} ``` ] .right-panel-cars_plot-auto[ ```{r cars_plot_auto_2_output, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, code = code_seq[[2]]} ``` ] <style> .left-panel-cars_plot-auto { color: #777; width: 38%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-cars_plot-auto { width: 60%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-cars_plot-auto { width: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> ```` --- ## ... or a series of slides that *just* display output or *just* display code ```r chunk_expand(num_breaks = 2, display_type = "code") ``` ```` count: false ```{r example_auto_1_code, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, code = code_seq[[1]]} ``` --- count: false ```{r example_auto_2_code, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, code = code_seq[[2]]} ``` <style> .left-panel-example-auto { color: #777; width: 38%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-example-auto { width: 60%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-example-auto { width: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> ```` ```r chunk_expand(num_breaks = 2, display_type = "output") ``` ```` count: false ```{r example_auto_1_output, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, code = code_seq[[1]]} ``` --- count: false ```{r example_auto_2_output, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, code = code_seq[[2]]} ``` <style> .left-panel-example-auto { color: #777; width: 38%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-example-auto { width: 60%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-example-auto { width: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> ```` --- # The reveal asks for the chunks we've created to be evaluated, by using the knitr::knit() function. We've applied it above. Let's just look at the function itself. --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-last-rotate[ ```r define_css() ``` ] .middle-panel-last-rotate[ ] .right-panel-last-rotate[ <style> .left-panel-example-auto { color: #777; width: 38%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-example-auto { width: 60%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-example-auto { width: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-last-rotate[ ```r *chunk_expand() ``` ] .middle-panel-last-rotate[ ``` function (chunk_name = "example", break_type = "auto", display_type = "both", num_breaks = 2, split = 40, title = "", md = NULL, func = NULL, lang = "r", custom = F, width_left = "38%", width_right = "60%", width_middle = "32%", font_size_code = "80%") { breaks <- 1:num_breaks code <- return_partial_chunks_template_code() output <- return_partial_chunks_template_output() md <- "`r md[<<<breaks>>>]`" func <- return_partial_chunks_template_function() if (display_type[1] == "both") { left <- code right <- output } else if (length(display_type) == 1) { left <- get(display_type) } else if (length(display_type) == 2) { left <- get(display_type[1]) right <- get(display_type[2]) } else if (length(display_type) == 3) { left <- get(display_type[1]) middle <- get(display_type[2]) right <- get(display_type[3]) } if (length(display_type) == 3) { partial_knit_steps <- glue::glue("class: split-<<<split>>>", "count: false", " ", title, ".left-panel-<<<chunk_name>>>-<<<break_type>>>[", left, "]", " ", ".middle-panel-<<<chunk_name>>>-<<<break_type>>>[", middle, "]", " ", ".right-panel-<<<chunk_name>>>-<<<break_type>>>[", right, "]", " ", .open = "<<<", .close = ">>>", .sep = "\n") } else if (length(display_type) == 2 | display_type[1] == "both") { partial_knit_steps <- glue::glue("class: split-<<<split>>>", "count: false", " ", title, ".left-panel-<<<chunk_name>>>-<<<break_type>>>[", left, "]", " ", ".right-panel-<<<chunk_name>>>-<<<break_type>>>[", right, "]", " ", .open = "<<<", .close = ">>>", .sep = "\n") } else if (length(display_type) == 1) { partial_knit_steps <- glue::glue("count: false", title, left, .open = "<<<", .close = ">>>", .sep = "\n") } the_defined_css <- define_css(chunk_name = chunk_name, break_type = break_type, width_left = width_left, width_middle = width_middle, width_right = width_right, font_size_code = font_size_code) slide_code <- glue::glue_collapse(partial_knit_steps, sep = "\n\n---\n") glue::glue("{slide_code}\n\n{the_defined_css}\n\n", .trim = FALSE) } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a467d3d0> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] .right-panel-last-rotate[ ```` class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-example-auto[ ```{r example_auto_1_code, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, code = code_seq[[1]]} ``` ] .right-panel-example-auto[ ```{r example_auto_1_output, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, code = code_seq[[1]]} ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-example-auto[ ```{r example_auto_2_code, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, code = code_seq[[2]]} ``` ] .right-panel-example-auto[ ```{r example_auto_2_output, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, code = code_seq[[2]]} ``` ] <style> .left-panel-example-auto { color: #777; width: 38%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-example-auto { width: 60%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-example-auto { width: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> ```` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-last-rotate[ ```r *chunk_reveal ``` ] .middle-panel-last-rotate[ ] .right-panel-last-rotate[ ``` function (chunk_name = NULL, break_type = "auto", left_assign = F, lang = "r", code_seq = NULL, func_seq = NULL, num_breaks = NULL, display_type = "both", split = 40, title = "", md = NULL, width_left = "38%", width_middle = "32%", width_right = "60%", font_size_code = "80%") { if (!is.null(chunk_name)) { code_seq <- chunk_name_return_code_sequence(chunk_name, break_type, left_assign, lang) func_seq <- chunk_name_return_function_sequence(chunk_name, break_type, left_assign, lang) num_breaks <- length(code_seq) } text <- chunk_expand(chunk_name = chunk_name, break_type = break_type, num_breaks = num_breaks, display_type = display_type, split = split, title = title, lang = lang, md = md, func = func, width_left = width_left, width_middle = width_middle, width_right = width_right, font_size_code = font_size_code) paste(knitr::knit(text = text), collapse = "\n") } <bytecode: 0x7ff4a5a05a48> <environment: namespace:flipbookr> ``` ] <style> .left-panel-last-rotate { color: #777; width: 32%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-last-rotate { width: 32%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-last-rotate { width: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- # Go to code [**here**]( <style type="text/css"> .remark-code{line-height: 1.5; font-size: 60%} </style>