class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # fine tuning ggplot themes ## a flipbook | made with Xaringan ###
Gina Reynolds ###
--- --- name: themes # Greetings: Themes It may seem just cosmetic, but themes can have a big impact on the look and feel of you final plot. The thematic elements are what first meet the eye. For more information on fine adjustment of thematic elements, have a look at the [taming ggplot themes flipbook]( First, let's check out how to change the look and feel of your graph with some preset themes. --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-themes-rotate[ ```r ggplot(data = gapminder_2002) + aes(x = gdpPercap) + aes(y = lifeExp) + geom_point() + aes(color = continent) + theme_bw() ``` ] .right-panel-themes-rotate[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/themes_rotate_1_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-themes-rotate[ ```r ggplot(data = gapminder_2002) + aes(x = gdpPercap) + aes(y = lifeExp) + geom_point() + aes(color = continent) + * theme_classic() ``` ] .right-panel-themes-rotate[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/themes_rotate_2_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-themes-rotate[ ```r ggplot(data = gapminder_2002) + aes(x = gdpPercap) + aes(y = lifeExp) + geom_point() + aes(color = continent) + * theme_gray() ``` ] .right-panel-themes-rotate[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/themes_rotate_3_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-themes-rotate[ ```r ggplot(data = gapminder_2002) + aes(x = gdpPercap) + aes(y = lifeExp) + geom_point() + aes(color = continent) + * theme_light() ``` ] .right-panel-themes-rotate[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/themes_rotate_4_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-themes-rotate[ ```r ggplot(data = gapminder_2002) + aes(x = gdpPercap) + aes(y = lifeExp) + geom_point() + aes(color = continent) + * theme_minimal() ``` ] .right-panel-themes-rotate[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/themes_rotate_5_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-themes-rotate[ ```r ggplot(data = gapminder_2002) + aes(x = gdpPercap) + aes(y = lifeExp) + geom_point() + aes(color = continent) + * theme_void() ``` ] .right-panel-themes-rotate[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/themes_rotate_6_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-themes-rotate[ ```r ggplot(data = gapminder_2002) + aes(x = gdpPercap) + aes(y = lifeExp) + geom_point() + aes(color = continent) + * theme_light(base_size = 10, base_family = "Times") ``` ] .right-panel-themes-rotate[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/themes_rotate_7_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-themes-rotate[ ```r ggplot(data = gapminder_2002) + aes(x = gdpPercap) + aes(y = lifeExp) + geom_point() + aes(color = continent) + * theme_classic(base_family = "Rockwell") ``` ] .right-panel-themes-rotate[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/themes_rotate_8_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-themes-rotate[ ```r ggplot(data = gapminder_2002) + aes(x = gdpPercap) + aes(y = lifeExp) + geom_point() + aes(color = continent) + * theme_dark(base_line_size = 14) ``` ] .right-panel-themes-rotate[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/themes_rotate_9_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-themes-rotate[ ```r ggplot(data = gapminder_2002) + aes(x = gdpPercap) + aes(y = lifeExp) + geom_point() + aes(color = continent) + * theme_minimal(base_rect_size = 10) ``` ] .right-panel-themes-rotate[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/themes_rotate_10_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] <style> .left-panel-themes-rotate { color: #777; width: 49%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-themes-rotate { width: 50%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-themes-rotate { width: NA%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- ## Now we can turn to fine tuning. The theme function almost has a grammar of it's own. It's a bit much. --- # Table of Contents - [Ugly Theme Choices](#uglyplot) - Elements - [Text Elements](#textelements) - [Rectangular Elements](#rectangularelements) - [Line Elements](#lineelements) - More - [Legends](#legend) - [Sundry](#sundry) - [Facets](#facet) - [Preset Themes](#presetthemes) --- # Visual Table of Contents <a href="#uglyplot"><img src="figures/custom_theme.png"width="150" height="150" title=figures/custom_theme.png alt=figures/custom_theme.png></a><a href="#textelements"><img src="figures/text_components.png"width="150" height="150" title=figures/text_components.png alt=figures/text_components.png></a><a href="#rectangularelements"><img src="figures/rect_components.png"width="150" height="150" title=figures/rect_components.png alt=figures/rect_components.png></a><a href="#lineelements"><img src="figures/line_components.png"width="150" height="150" title=figures/line_components.png alt=figures/line_components.png></a> <a href="#legend"><img src="figures/legend.png"width="150" height="150" title=figures/legend.png alt=figures/legend.png></a><a href="#sundry"><img src="figures/sundries.png"width="150" height="150" title=figures/sundries.png alt=figures/sundries.png></a><a href="#facet"><img src="figures/small_multiples.png"width="150" height="150" title=figures/small_multiples.png alt=figures/small_multiples.png></a><a href="#presetthemes"><img src="figures/theme_presets.png"width="150" height="150" title=figures/theme_presets.png alt=figures/theme_presets.png></a> --- # Before we begin This resource is focused on fine tuning and communicating what code gives what output. Also, load some libraries: ```r options(scipen = 10) # adjust when scientific notation turns on library(tidyverse) library(gapminder) ``` --- # Base Plot We'll work with the plot below to apply all the theme adjustments. In the next slide, we'll build this plot and save it as the plot object `g`. To this plot object we'll add the theme statements. You might check out [The Tidyverse in Action]( if you are puzzled about how to build `g`. The [ggplot2 Cheatsheet]( is also an excellent resource. --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r *gapminder ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 1,704 x 6 country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> 1 Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.8 8425333 779. 2 Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.3 9240934 821. 3 Afghanistan Asia 1962 32.0 10267083 853. 4 Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.0 11537966 836. 5 Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.1 13079460 740. 6 Afghanistan Asia 1977 38.4 14880372 786. 7 Afghanistan Asia 1982 39.9 12881816 978. 8 Afghanistan Asia 1987 40.8 13867957 852. 9 Afghanistan Asia 1992 41.7 16317921 649. 10 Afghanistan Asia 1997 41.8 22227415 635. # … with 1,694 more rows ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% * filter(year == 1992) ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 142 x 6 country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> 1 Afghanistan Asia 1992 41.7 16317921 649. 2 Albania Europe 1992 71.6 3326498 2497. 3 Algeria Africa 1992 67.7 26298373 5023. 4 Angola Africa 1992 40.6 8735988 2628. 5 Argentina Americas 1992 71.9 33958947 9308. 6 Australia Oceania 1992 77.6 17481977 23425. 7 Austria Europe 1992 76.0 7914969 27042. 8 Bahrain Asia 1992 72.6 529491 19036. 9 Bangladesh Asia 1992 56.0 113704579 838. 10 Belgium Europe 1992 76.5 10045622 25576. # … with 132 more rows ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% * ggplot() ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_3_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + * aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_4_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) + * geom_point(alpha = .8, shape = 21, * fill = "white") ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_5_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) + geom_point(alpha = .8, shape = 21, fill = "white") + * aes(col = continent, fill = continent) ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_6_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) + geom_point(alpha = .8, shape = 21, fill = "white") + aes(col = continent, fill = continent) + * geom_point(alpha = .3, shape = 21) ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_7_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) + geom_point(alpha = .8, shape = 21, fill = "white") + aes(col = continent, fill = continent) + geom_point(alpha = .3, shape = 21) + * aes(size = pop) ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_8_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) + geom_point(alpha = .8, shape = 21, fill = "white") + aes(col = continent, fill = continent) + geom_point(alpha = .3, shape = 21) + aes(size = pop) + * scale_size(guide = F) ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_9_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) + geom_point(alpha = .8, shape = 21, fill = "white") + aes(col = continent, fill = continent) + geom_point(alpha = .3, shape = 21) + aes(size = pop) + scale_size(guide = F) + * labs(title = "Wealth and expected longevity\n in 1992") ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_10_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) + geom_point(alpha = .8, shape = 21, fill = "white") + aes(col = continent, fill = continent) + geom_point(alpha = .3, shape = 21) + aes(size = pop) + scale_size(guide = F) + labs(title = "Wealth and expected longevity\n in 1992") + * labs(subtitle = "Data from gapminder package in R") ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_11_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) + geom_point(alpha = .8, shape = 21, fill = "white") + aes(col = continent, fill = continent) + geom_point(alpha = .3, shape = 21) + aes(size = pop) + scale_size(guide = F) + labs(title = "Wealth and expected longevity\n in 1992") + labs(subtitle = "Data from gapminder package in R") + * labs(x = "GDP per Capita") ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_12_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) + geom_point(alpha = .8, shape = 21, fill = "white") + aes(col = continent, fill = continent) + geom_point(alpha = .3, shape = 21) + aes(size = pop) + scale_size(guide = F) + labs(title = "Wealth and expected longevity\n in 1992") + labs(subtitle = "Data from gapminder package in R") + labs(x = "GDP per Capita") + * labs(y = "Life Expectency") # a tag is also an option ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_13_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) + geom_point(alpha = .8, shape = 21, fill = "white") + aes(col = continent, fill = continent) + geom_point(alpha = .3, shape = 21) + aes(size = pop) + scale_size(guide = F) + labs(title = "Wealth and expected longevity\n in 1992") + labs(subtitle = "Data from gapminder package in R") + labs(x = "GDP per Capita") + labs(y = "Life Expectency") + # a tag is also an option * labs(col = "Continent", fill = "Continent") ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_14_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) + geom_point(alpha = .8, shape = 21, fill = "white") + aes(col = continent, fill = continent) + geom_point(alpha = .3, shape = 21) + aes(size = pop) + scale_size(guide = F) + labs(title = "Wealth and expected longevity\n in 1992") + labs(subtitle = "Data from gapminder package in R") + labs(x = "GDP per Capita") + labs(y = "Life Expectency") + # a tag is also an option labs(col = "Continent", fill = "Continent") + * labs(caption = "Vis: @EvaMaeRey with ggplot") ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/the_plot_auto_15_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-the_plot-auto[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(year == 1992) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) + geom_point(alpha = .8, shape = 21, fill = "white") + aes(col = continent, fill = continent) + geom_point(alpha = .3, shape = 21) + aes(size = pop) + scale_size(guide = F) + labs(title = "Wealth and expected longevity\n in 1992") + labs(subtitle = "Data from gapminder package in R") + labs(x = "GDP per Capita") + labs(y = "Life Expectency") + # a tag is also an option labs(col = "Continent", fill = "Continent") + labs(caption = "Vis: @EvaMaeRey with ggplot") -> *g ``` ] .right-panel-the_plot-auto[ ] <style> .left-panel-the_plot-auto { color: #777; width: 49%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-the_plot-auto { width: 50%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-the_plot-auto { width: NA%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- # Thematic adjustment overview -- ## Components The components in a ggplot graph are usually things you can point to on a plot. For example the *legend box*, or the *y axis title*, or the *plot title*. -- ## Elements These components have a variety of elements. For example the legend box has the perimeter of the box (the line) and it has the area of the box associated with it. To "point" to specify the element parts of the components, functions like element_line(), element_rect(), and element_text() are used. To delete an entire component, element_blank() can be used. -- ## Aesthetics Aesthetics assignment for theme elements are similar to those available for geometric shapes in the plot. Aesthetics include color, size, line_type, and so on. --- # Graph Components So, what components can be adjusted? (there are lots!) > aspect.ratio > axis.title, axis.title.x,, axis.title.x.bottom, axis.title.y, axis.title.y.left, axis.title.y.right, axis.text, axis.text.x,, axis.text.x.bottom, axis.text.y, axis.text.y.left, axis.text.y.right, axis.ticks, axis.ticks.x,, axis.ticks.x.bottom, axis.ticks.y, axis.ticks.y.left, axis.ticks.y.right, axis.ticks.length, axis.line, axis.line.x,, axis.line.x.bottom, axis.line.y, axis.line.y.left, axis.line.y.right > legend.background, legend.margin, legend.spacing, legend.spacing.x, legend.spacing.y, legend.key, legend.key.size, legend.key.height, legend.key.width, legend.text, legend.text.align, legend.title, legend.title.align, legend.position, legend.direction, legend.justification,,,,, > panel.background, panel.border, panel.spacing, panel.spacing.x, panel.spacing.y, panel.grid, panel.grid.major, panel.grid.minor, panel.grid.major.x, panel.grid.major.y, panel.grid.minor.x, panel.grid.minor.y, panel.ontop > plot.background, plot.title, plot.subtitle, plot.caption, plot.tag, plot.tag.position, plot.margin > strip.background, strip.background.x, strip.background.y, strip.placement, strip.text, strip.text.x, strip.text.y, strip.switch.pad.grid, strip.switch.pad.wrap --- name: uglyplot # An ugly plot, for locating components! Now we'll create this plot to get a sense of how thematic modifications can be made, by 1) specifying the component to be adjusted 2) the element of the component to be adjusted and 3) indicating the aesthetic adjustment. The adjustments made should make clear what components of the plot are called in ggplot. Later we'll walk through a more focused adjustments. We'll go through time elements one at at time: text, rectangular, line, etc. <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme-1.png" width="50%" /> --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r *g ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_1_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + * theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_2_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + * theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_3_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + * theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_4_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + * theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_5_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + * theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_6_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) + * theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "violet")) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_7_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "violet")) + * theme(axis.ticks = element_line(color = "blue")) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_8_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "violet")) + theme(axis.ticks = element_line(color = "blue")) + * theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_9_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "violet")) + theme(axis.ticks = element_line(color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) + * theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "steelblue")) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_10_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "violet")) + theme(axis.ticks = element_line(color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "steelblue")) + * theme(panel.grid = * element_line(size = 3, color = "thistle1")) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_11_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "violet")) + theme(axis.ticks = element_line(color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "steelblue")) + theme(panel.grid = element_line(size = 3, color = "thistle1")) + * theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "goldenrod1")) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_12_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "violet")) + theme(axis.ticks = element_line(color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "steelblue")) + theme(panel.grid = element_line(size = 3, color = "thistle1")) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "goldenrod1")) + * theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 7)) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_13_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "violet")) + theme(axis.ticks = element_line(color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "steelblue")) + theme(panel.grid = element_line(size = 3, color = "thistle1")) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "goldenrod1")) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 7)) + * theme(legend.position = "bottom") ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_14_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "violet")) + theme(axis.ticks = element_line(color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "steelblue")) + theme(panel.grid = element_line(size = 3, color = "thistle1")) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "goldenrod1")) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 7)) + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + * theme(legend.margin = margin(t = 0, r = 20, * b = 0, l = 40, unit = "pt")) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_15_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-custom_theme-auto[ ```r g + theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "violet")) + theme(axis.ticks = element_line(color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "steelblue")) + theme(panel.grid = element_line(size = 3, color = "thistle1")) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "goldenrod1")) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 7)) + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + theme(legend.margin = margin(t = 0, r = 20, b = 0, l = 40, unit = "pt")) + * theme(aspect.ratio = .5) ``` ] .right-panel-custom_theme-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/custom_theme_auto_16_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] <style> .left-panel-custom_theme-auto { color: #777; width: 49%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-custom_theme-auto { width: 50%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-custom_theme-auto { width: NA%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- # What are the elements of these components? Now we'll focus on different elements of the components: - element_line() - element_rect() - element_text() Additionally, element_blank(), allows you to indicate that you don't want the component included in the plot at all. --- # Across-the-board adjustment Across-the-board adjustment to all components with given elements can also be done using the *line*, *rect*, *text*, and *title* adjustments. These will apply generally where no more specific adjustment has been made. > line > rect > text > title --- name: textelements # Focus on text elements! <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components-1.png" width="60%" /> --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r *g ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_1_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + * theme(plot.title.position = "plot") ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_2_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + * theme(plot.tag = * element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_3_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + * theme(plot.title = * element_text(color = "plum4", * size = 20, * lineheight = 2.5)) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_4_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + * theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_5_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + * theme(axis.title.y = * element_text(color = "plum4", * size = rel(3))) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_6_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color = "plum4", size = rel(3))) + * theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "plum4")) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_7_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color = "plum4", size = rel(3))) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "plum4")) + * theme(legend.title = * element_text(color = "plum4", size = 22)) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_8_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color = "plum4", size = rel(3))) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(legend.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 22)) + * theme(legend.text = element_text(color = "plum4")) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_9_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color = "plum4", size = rel(3))) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(legend.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 22)) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color = "plum4")) + * theme(axis.title.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_10_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color = "plum4", size = rel(3))) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(legend.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 22)) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + * theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_11_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color = "plum4", size = rel(3))) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(legend.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 22)) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + * theme(plot.caption = * element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20)) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_12_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color = "plum4", size = rel(3))) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(legend.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 22)) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(plot.caption = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20)) + * theme(text = element_text(family = "Times")) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_13_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color = "plum4", size = rel(3))) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(legend.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 22)) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(plot.caption = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20)) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times")) + * theme(text = element_text(face = "bold.italic")) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_14_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color = "plum4", size = rel(3))) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(legend.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 22)) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(plot.caption = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20)) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times")) + theme(text = element_text(face = "bold.italic")) + * theme(text = element_text( * margin = margin(t = 3, r = 3, b = 3, l = 3, * unit = "pt"))) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_15_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color = "plum4", size = rel(3))) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(legend.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 22)) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(plot.caption = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20)) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times")) + theme(text = element_text(face = "bold.italic")) + theme(text = element_text( margin = margin(t = 3, r = 3, b = 3, l = 3, unit = "pt"))) + * theme(text = element_text(angle = 2)) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_16_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color = "plum4", size = rel(3))) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(legend.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 22)) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(plot.caption = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20)) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times")) + theme(text = element_text(face = "bold.italic")) + theme(text = element_text( margin = margin(t = 3, r = 3, b = 3, l = 3, unit = "pt"))) + theme(text = element_text(angle = 2)) + * theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5)) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_17_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-text_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.tag = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 25)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20, lineheight = 2.5)) + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(color = "plum4", size = rel(3))) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(legend.title = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 22)) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = "plum4")) + theme(plot.caption = element_text(color = "plum4", size = 20)) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times")) + theme(text = element_text(face = "bold.italic")) + theme(text = element_text( margin = margin(t = 3, r = 3, b = 3, l = 3, unit = "pt"))) + theme(text = element_text(angle = 2)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5)) + * theme(axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 1)) ``` ] .right-panel-text_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/text_components_auto_18_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] <style> .left-panel-text_components-auto { color: #777; width: 49%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-text_components-auto { width: 50%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-text_components-auto { width: NA%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- name: rectangularelements # Focus on rectangular elements! <img src="themes_files/figure-html/rect_components-1.png" width="60%" /> --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-rect_components-auto[ ```r *g ``` ] .right-panel-rect_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/rect_components_auto_1_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-rect_components-auto[ ```r g + * theme(plot.background = * element_rect(fill = "purple", * color = "darkolivegreen", * size = 3)) ``` ] .right-panel-rect_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/rect_components_auto_2_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-rect_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "purple", color = "darkolivegreen", size = 3)) + * theme(panel.background = * element_rect(fill = "purple", * color = "darkolivegreen", * size = 3)) ``` ] .right-panel-rect_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/rect_components_auto_3_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-rect_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "purple", color = "darkolivegreen", size = 3)) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "purple", color = "darkolivegreen", size = 3)) + * theme(legend.background = * element_rect(fill = "purple", * color = "darkolivegreen", * size = 3)) ``` ] .right-panel-rect_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/rect_components_auto_4_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-rect_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "purple", color = "darkolivegreen", size = 3)) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "purple", color = "darkolivegreen", size = 3)) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "purple", color = "darkolivegreen", size = 3)) + * theme(legend.key = * element_rect(fill = "purple", * color = "darkolivegreen", * size = 3)) ``` ] .right-panel-rect_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/rect_components_auto_5_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-rect_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "purple", color = "darkolivegreen", size = 3)) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "purple", color = "darkolivegreen", size = 3)) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "purple", color = "darkolivegreen", size = 3)) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "purple", color = "darkolivegreen", size = 3)) + * theme(panel.border = * element_rect(color = "magenta", * fill = NA, size = 4)) ``` ] .right-panel-rect_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/rect_components_auto_6_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] <style> .left-panel-rect_components-auto { color: #777; width: 49%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-rect_components-auto { width: 50%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-rect_components-auto { width: NA%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- name: lineelements # Focus on line elements! <img src="themes_files/figure-html/line_components-1.png" width="60%" /> --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-line_components-auto[ ```r *g ``` ] .right-panel-line_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/line_components_auto_1_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-line_components-auto[ ```r g + * theme(axis.ticks.y = * element_line(size = 10, * color = "blue")) ``` ] .right-panel-line_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/line_components_auto_2_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-line_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + * theme(axis.ticks.x = * element_line(size = 10, * color = "blue")) ``` ] .right-panel-line_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/line_components_auto_3_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-line_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + * theme(panel.grid.major.y = * element_line(size = 2, * linetype = "dashed", * color = "blue", * lineend = "round")) ``` ] .right-panel-line_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/line_components_auto_4_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-line_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_line(size = 2, linetype = "dashed", color = "blue", lineend = "round")) + * theme(panel.grid.major.x = * element_line(size = 2, * arrow = arrow(), * color = "blue", * lineend = "round")) ``` ] .right-panel-line_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/line_components_auto_5_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-line_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_line(size = 2, linetype = "dashed", color = "blue", lineend = "round")) + theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_line(size = 2, arrow = arrow(), color = "blue", lineend = "round")) + * theme(panel.grid.minor.y = * element_line(size = 1, * linetype = "dotted", * color = "blue", * lineend = "butt")) ``` ] .right-panel-line_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/line_components_auto_6_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-line_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_line(size = 2, linetype = "dashed", color = "blue", lineend = "round")) + theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_line(size = 2, arrow = arrow(), color = "blue", lineend = "round")) + theme(panel.grid.minor.y = element_line(size = 1, linetype = "dotted", color = "blue", lineend = "butt")) + * theme(panel.grid = * element_line(color = "blue")) ``` ] .right-panel-line_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/line_components_auto_7_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-line_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_line(size = 2, linetype = "dashed", color = "blue", lineend = "round")) + theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_line(size = 2, arrow = arrow(), color = "blue", lineend = "round")) + theme(panel.grid.minor.y = element_line(size = 1, linetype = "dotted", color = "blue", lineend = "butt")) + theme(panel.grid = element_line(color = "blue")) + * theme( = * element_line(size = 2, * color = "blue")) ``` ] .right-panel-line_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/line_components_auto_8_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-line_components-auto[ ```r g + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_line(size = 10, color = "blue")) + theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_line(size = 2, linetype = "dashed", color = "blue", lineend = "round")) + theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_line(size = 2, arrow = arrow(), color = "blue", lineend = "round")) + theme(panel.grid.minor.y = element_line(size = 1, linetype = "dotted", color = "blue", lineend = "butt")) + theme(panel.grid = element_line(color = "blue")) + theme( = element_line(size = 2, color = "blue")) + * theme(panel.ontop = TRUE, * panel.background = element_blank()) # in front of the data ``` ] .right-panel-line_components-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/line_components_auto_9_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] <style> .left-panel-line_components-auto { color: #777; width: 49%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-line_components-auto { width: 50%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-line_components-auto { width: NA%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- # What aesthetics of these elements can be adjusted? | aesthetic | adjustable for element of type: | |-----|----| | fill | *rect* | | color | *rect, line, text* | | size | *rect, line, text* | | linetype | *rect, line* | | lineend | *line* | | arrow | *line* | | family (font) | *text* | | face | *text* | | hjust | *text* | | vjust | *text* | | angle | *text* | | lineheight | *text* | | margin | *text* | | debug | *text* | | inherit.blank | *rect, line, text* | --- name: legends # More legend options! <img src="themes_files/figure-html/legend-1.png" width="60%" /> --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-legend-auto[ ```r *g ``` ] .right-panel-legend-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/legend_auto_1_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-legend-auto[ ```r g + * theme(legend.position = "bottom") ``` ] .right-panel-legend-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/legend_auto_2_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-legend-auto[ ```r g + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + * theme(legend.position = "none") ``` ] .right-panel-legend-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/legend_auto_3_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-legend-auto[ ```r g + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + theme(legend.position = "none") + * theme(legend.position = c(.8, .25)) ``` ] .right-panel-legend-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/legend_auto_4_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-legend-auto[ ```r g + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(legend.position = c(.8, .25)) + * theme(legend.direction = "horizontal") ``` ] .right-panel-legend-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/legend_auto_5_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-legend-auto[ ```r g + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(legend.position = c(.8, .25)) + theme(legend.direction = "horizontal") + * theme(legend.key = element_rect()) ``` ] .right-panel-legend-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/legend_auto_6_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-legend-auto[ ```r g + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(legend.position = c(.8, .25)) + theme(legend.direction = "horizontal") + theme(legend.key = element_rect()) + * guides(fill = guide_legend(size = 35)) ``` ] .right-panel-legend-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/legend_auto_7_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] <style> .left-panel-legend-auto { color: #777; width: 49%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-legend-auto { width: 50%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-legend-auto { width: NA%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- name: sundries # More modifications! (Sundries) <img src="themes_files/figure-html/sundries-1.png" width="60%" /> --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-sundries-auto[ ```r *g ``` ] .right-panel-sundries-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/sundries_auto_1_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-sundries-auto[ ```r g + * theme(plot.tag.position = "topright") ``` ] .right-panel-sundries-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/sundries_auto_2_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-sundries-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.tag.position = "topright") + * scale_color_discrete(guide = FALSE) ``` ] .right-panel-sundries-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/sundries_auto_3_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-sundries-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.tag.position = "topright") + scale_color_discrete(guide = FALSE) + * scale_fill_discrete(guide = FALSE) ``` ] .right-panel-sundries-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/sundries_auto_4_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-sundries-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.tag.position = "topright") + scale_color_discrete(guide = FALSE) + scale_fill_discrete(guide = FALSE) + * scale_x_continuous(position = "top") ``` ] .right-panel-sundries-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/sundries_auto_5_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-sundries-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.tag.position = "topright") + scale_color_discrete(guide = FALSE) + scale_fill_discrete(guide = FALSE) + scale_x_continuous(position = "top") + * scale_y_continuous(position = "right") ``` ] .right-panel-sundries-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/sundries_auto_6_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-sundries-auto[ ```r g + theme(plot.tag.position = "topright") + scale_color_discrete(guide = FALSE) + scale_fill_discrete(guide = FALSE) + scale_x_continuous(position = "top") + scale_y_continuous(position = "right") + * theme(aspect.ratio = .5) ``` ] .right-panel-sundries-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/sundries_auto_7_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] <style> .left-panel-sundries-auto { color: #777; width: 49%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-sundries-auto { width: 50%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-sundries-auto { width: NA%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- name: facet # Focus on facet elements! <img src="themes_files/figure-html/small_multiples-1.png" width="60%" /> --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-small_multiples-auto[ ```r *g ``` ] .right-panel-small_multiples-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/small_multiples_auto_1_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-small_multiples-auto[ ```r g + * facet_wrap(~ continent, * strip.position = "right") ``` ] .right-panel-small_multiples-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/small_multiples_auto_2_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-small_multiples-auto[ ```r g + facet_wrap(~ continent, strip.position = "right") + * theme(strip.background = * element_rect(fill = "pink")) ``` ] .right-panel-small_multiples-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/small_multiples_auto_3_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-small_multiples-auto[ ```r g + facet_wrap(~ continent, strip.position = "right") + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = "pink")) + * theme(strip.text.y = * element_text(color = "snow", size = 12)) ``` ] .right-panel-small_multiples-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/small_multiples_auto_4_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-small_multiples-auto[ ```r g + facet_wrap(~ continent, strip.position = "right") + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = "pink")) + theme(strip.text.y = element_text(color = "snow", size = 12)) + * theme(strip.text.y = * element_text(angle = -80)) ``` ] .right-panel-small_multiples-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/small_multiples_auto_5_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-small_multiples-auto[ ```r g + facet_wrap(~ continent, strip.position = "right") + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = "pink")) + theme(strip.text.y = element_text(color = "snow", size = 12)) + theme(strip.text.y = element_text(angle = -80)) + * theme(panel.spacing.x = * unit(1.5, "lines")) ``` ] .right-panel-small_multiples-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/small_multiples_auto_6_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-small_multiples-auto[ ```r g + facet_wrap(~ continent, strip.position = "right") + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = "pink")) + theme(strip.text.y = element_text(color = "snow", size = 12)) + theme(strip.text.y = element_text(angle = -80)) + theme(panel.spacing.x = unit(1.5, "lines")) + * theme(panel.spacing.y = * unit(2, "lines")) ``` ] .right-panel-small_multiples-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/small_multiples_auto_7_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-small_multiples-auto[ ```r g + facet_wrap(~ continent, strip.position = "right") + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = "pink")) + theme(strip.text.y = element_text(color = "snow", size = 12)) + theme(strip.text.y = element_text(angle = -80)) + theme(panel.spacing.x = unit(1.5, "lines")) + theme(panel.spacing.y = unit(2, "lines")) + * theme(strip.switch.pad.grid = * unit(0, "cm")) ``` ] .right-panel-small_multiples-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/small_multiples_auto_8_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] <style> .left-panel-small_multiples-auto { color: #777; width: 49%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-small_multiples-auto { width: 50%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-small_multiples-auto { width: NA%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- After you are done fine-tuning you might be interested in saving your thematic choices. Theme choices can be bundled in a theme set statement and then subsequent plots will hold onto those choices and apply them in subsequent plot. --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-bundle-auto[ ```r *my_theme <- function(){ * theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + * theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + * theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + * theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + * theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) *} ``` ] .right-panel-bundle-auto[ ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-bundle-auto[ ```r my_theme <- function(){ theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) } *cars ``` ] .right-panel-bundle-auto[ ``` speed dist 1 4 2 2 4 10 3 7 4 4 7 22 5 8 16 6 9 10 7 10 18 8 10 26 9 10 34 10 11 17 11 11 28 12 12 14 13 12 20 14 12 24 15 12 28 16 13 26 17 13 34 18 13 34 19 13 46 20 14 26 21 14 36 22 14 60 23 14 80 24 15 20 25 15 26 26 15 54 27 16 32 28 16 40 29 17 32 30 17 40 31 17 50 32 18 42 33 18 56 34 18 76 35 18 84 36 19 36 37 19 46 38 19 68 39 20 32 40 20 48 41 20 52 42 20 56 43 20 64 44 22 66 45 23 54 46 24 70 47 24 92 48 24 93 49 24 120 50 25 85 ``` ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-bundle-auto[ ```r my_theme <- function(){ theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) } cars %>% * ggplot() ``` ] .right-panel-bundle-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/bundle_auto_3_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-bundle-auto[ ```r my_theme <- function(){ theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) } cars %>% ggplot() + * aes(x = speed) ``` ] .right-panel-bundle-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/bundle_auto_4_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-bundle-auto[ ```r my_theme <- function(){ theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) } cars %>% ggplot() + aes(x = speed) + * aes(y = dist) ``` ] .right-panel-bundle-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/bundle_auto_5_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-bundle-auto[ ```r my_theme <- function(){ theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) } cars %>% ggplot() + aes(x = speed) + aes(y = dist) + * geom_point() ``` ] .right-panel-bundle-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/bundle_auto_6_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- class: split-40 count: false .left-panel-bundle-auto[ ```r my_theme <- function(){ theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "snow3")) + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman")) + theme(axis.title = element_text(color = "slateblue4")) + theme(title = element_text(color = "seagreen")) + theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "orange")) } cars %>% ggplot() + aes(x = speed) + aes(y = dist) + geom_point() + * my_theme() ``` ] .right-panel-bundle-auto[ <img src="themes_files/figure-html/bundle_auto_7_output-1.png" width="100%" /> ] <style> .left-panel-bundle-auto { color: #777; width: 49%; height: 92%; float: left; font-size: 80% } .right-panel-bundle-auto { width: 50%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .middle-panel-bundle-auto { width: NA%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- # More - [external themes](external_themes.html) - [theme modification with {ggeasy}](themes_ggeasy.Rmd) --- Next up is [the written language](ggsave.html) or saving plots as files. <style type="text/css"> .remark-code{line-height: 1.5; font-size: 60%} .column-left { float: left; width: 33.333%; } .column-right { float: right; width: 33.333%; } .column-center { display: inline-block; width: 33.333%; } </style> <!-- --- --> <!-- Some ideas from ["The Glamour of Graphics"]( --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - engage a wider audience --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - aesthetic-usability effect --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - respect for your audience --> <!-- -- --> <!-- ## Glamour and Grammar etymological connection! --> <!-- --- --> <!-- # Layout --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - Mostly left alignment of text --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - titles - *plot* left alignment --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - no head tilting --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - get rid of labels if possible --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - rethink legend position, or alternatives: labeling data, or color mapping --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - be borders skeptical --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - be gridline skeptical --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - try to avoid legends --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - white space - use it! --> <!-- --- --> <!-- # Typography --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - effects tone --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - (source family) --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - typographic hiararchy - size, weight, spacing --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - don't use "oldstyle" numbers, do use *tabular* numbers --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - --> <!-- To be continued... []( --> <!-- --- --> <!-- # Color --> <!-- Check out the [color](color.html) slides. --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - also eyedropper tool --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - use hue saturation value selection --> <!-- -- --> <!-- - non-white backgrounds -->