Create a blank canvas centered at 0, 0 to use stamps on

ggcanvas(x = 0, y = 0)



center of canvas for x axis


center of canvas for y axis



library(ggplot2) ggcanvas() + stamp_point(color = "plum4") + stamp_point(x = 1, y = 1, color = "lightsteelblue3", size = 35) + stamp_arrow(color = "plum4", headlength = .06, headtype = "closed") + stamp_label(1.5, 2.5, label = " \n\n\n\n\n", size = 15, fill = "lemonchiffon", ) + stamp_circle(2.5, 1.25, fill = "plum4") + stamp_point(x = c(2,2:4), y = 1:4, color = "paleturquoise", size = 15) + stamp_arrow(y = 2, yend = 1:4, xend = c(2,2:4), color = "cadetblue4") + stamp_label(1, 3.5, label = "Stamps!", fill = "paleturquoise3") + stamp_label(3.2, 1.75, label = "Umm... \n ", size = 18, fill = "thistle") + stamp_label(3.2, 1.75, label = "Umm... \n Stamps!", size = 18, fill = "thistle") + theme_void() + stamp_curve(x = .25 + log(1:12), xend = 1.5 + sqrt(1:12), y = 0 + 1:12/20, color = "palegreen3", yend = 1:12/6, curvature = -.1, alpha = 12:1/12)