class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # What I did to get here ## my interactive session history for #tidytuesday ### me --- --- ```r # This is the recommended set up for this {memory} package # you might reset include = F for your book if you arent wanting to communicate about knitr settings knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 6, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, comment = "", cache = F, error = T) library(flipbookr) library(tidyverse) ``` ``` ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ── ``` ``` ## ✓ ggplot2 3.3.5 ✓ purrr 0.3.4 ## ✓ tibble 3.1.2 ✓ dplyr 1.0.7 ## ✓ tidyr 1.0.2 ✓ stringr 1.4.0 ## ✓ readr 1.3.1 ✓ forcats 0.5.0 ``` ``` ## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.6.2 ``` ``` ## Warning: package 'tibble' was built under R version 3.6.2 ``` ``` ## Warning: package 'purrr' was built under R version 3.6.2 ``` ``` ## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.6.2 ``` ``` ## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ── ## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter() ## x dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag() ``` ```r library(ggmemory) ``` --- class: inverse, middle, center # Reviewing code -- ## inline code is used to deliver each element of code sequence to a slide w/ associated output: -- ## `flipbookr::chunk_reveal(code_seq = my_executions)` --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r library(tidyverse) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r library(ggstamp) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_03_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile(xy = pos_month("2021-10")) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_04_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile(xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_05_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile(xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_06_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1" ) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_07_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_label(xy = pos_month("2021-10"), label = 1:31) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_08_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10"), label = 1:31) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_09_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[30, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_3847271.png") ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_10_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_3847271.png") ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_11_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_3847271.png") ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_12_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_3847271.png") ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_13_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_3847271.png") + theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_14_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_3847271.png") + theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") + stamp_text_ljust(label = "It's October!", fontface = "italic") ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_15_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_3847271.png") + # theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") + stamp_text_ljust( label = "It's October!", fontface = "italic", size = 12, y = .75 ) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_16_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_3847271.png") + # theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") + stamp_text_ljust( label = "It's October!", fontface = "italic", size = 12, y = .75, x = -.45 ) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_17_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_3847271.png") + # theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") + stamp_text_ljust( label = "It's October!", fontface = "italic", size = 12, y = .75, x = -.45 ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45 ) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_18_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_3847271.png") + # theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") + stamp_text_ljust( label = "It's October!", fontface = "italic", size = 12, y = .75, x = -.45 ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45 ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45 ) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_19_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_3847271.png") + # theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") + stamp_text_ljust( label = "It's Almost Halloween!", fontface = "italic", size = 12, y = .75, x = -.45 ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45 ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45 ) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_20_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_3847271.png") + theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") + stamp_text_ljust( label = "It's Almost Halloween!", fontface = "italic", size = 12, y = .75, x = -.45 ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45 ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45 ) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_21_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_1237638.png") + theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") + stamp_text_ljust( label = "It's Almost Halloween!", fontface = "italic", size = 12, y = .75, x = -.45 ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45 ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45 ) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_22_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text(xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30, color = "grey35") + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_1237638.png", color = "grey35") + theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") + stamp_text_ljust( label = "It's Almost Halloween!", fontface = "italic", size = 12, y = .75, x = -.45, color = "grey35" ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45, color = "grey35" ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45, color = "grey35" ) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_23_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text( xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30, size = 10, color = "grey35" ) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_1237638.png", color = "grey35") + theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") + stamp_text_ljust( label = "It's Almost Halloween!", fontface = "italic", size = 12, y = .75, x = -.45, color = "grey35" ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45, color = "grey35" ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45, color = "grey35" ) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_24_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text( xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30, size = 12, color = "grey35" ) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_1237638.png", color = "grey35") + theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") + stamp_text_ljust( label = "It's Almost Halloween!", fontface = "italic", size = 12, y = .75, x = -.45, color = "grey35" ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45, color = "grey35" ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] + .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:26, 2] - .45, color = "grey35" ) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_25_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- count: false .panel1-92454-auto[ ```r ggcanvas() + stamp_tile( xy = pos_month("2021-10"), height = .9, width = .9, fill = "burlywood1", color = "burlywood1" ) + stamp_text( xy = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, ], label = 1:30, size = 12, color = "grey35" ) + stamp_png2(x0y0 = pos_month("2021-10")[31, ], png = "noun_pumpkin_1237638.png", color = "grey35") + theme_void_fill(fill = "lavender") + stamp_text_ljust( label = "It's Halloween!", fontface = "italic", size = 12, y = .75, x = -.45, color = "grey35" ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, 2] - .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, 2] + .45, color = "grey35" ) + stamp_segment( x = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, 1] - .45, y = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, 2] + .45, xend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, 1] + .45, yend = pos_month("2021-10")[1:30, 2] - .45, color = "grey35" ) ``` ] .panel2-92454-auto[ ![](memory_input_files/figure-html/92454_auto_26_output-1.png)<!-- --> ] <style> .panel1-92454-auto { color: black; width: 38.6060606060606%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel2-92454-auto { color: black; width: 59.3939393939394%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel3-92454-auto { color: black; width: NA%; hight: 33%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- <style type="text/css"> .remark-code{line-height: 1.5; font-size: 75%} @media print { .has-continuation { display: block; } } code.r.hljs.remark-code{ position: relative; overflow-x: hidden; } code.r.hljs.remark-code:hover{ overflow-x:visible; width: 500px; border-style: solid; } </style>