knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE)
Sometimes I’ve wanted to add default aes to a stat_* or geom_* function. However, this is messy. You can cleanly pass all the behavior with ellipses only to carry on with behavior within the aes call or outside.
geom_barlab <- function(...){stat_count(aes(label = after_stat(count)), ...)}
geom_barlab <- function(...){stat_count(aes(label = after_stat(count), ...))}
What if we modify the ggproto stat itself that feeds stat_count, to have label as a default aes. I can imagine this kind of move being useful for the labeling problem…
mtcars %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = vs, y = am) +
stat_sum(alpha = .2) +
stat_sum(geom = "text",
aes(label = after_stat(n)))
geom_sum <- stat_sum
mtcars %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = vs, y = am) +
geom_sum(alpha = .2)
## Aesthetic mapping:
## * `size` -> `after_stat(n)`
## * `weight` -> 1
# adding label to make it ready for
StatSum$default_aes = aes(size = after_stat(n),
weight = 1,
label = after_stat(n))
geom_sum_text <- function(...){stat_sum(geom = "text", ...)}
mtcars %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = vs, y = am) +
geom_sum(alpha = .2) +
# Status quoto
mtcars %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = factor(vs), y = factor(am)) +
stat_bin_2d(alpha = .2) +
stat_bin_2d(geom = "text",
aes(label = after_stat(count)))
# alias
geom_heatmap <- stat_bin2d
# add label default
## Aesthetic mapping:
## * `weight` -> 1
## * `fill` -> `after_stat(count)`
StatBin2d$default_aes <- aes(weight = 1,
fill = after_stat(count),
label = after_stat((100*count/sum(count)) %>%
round(1) %>%
geom_heatmap_percent <- function(...){stat_bin_2d(geom = "text", ...)}
mtcars %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = factor(vs), y = factor(am)) +
geom_heatmap(alpha = .2) +
diamonds %>%
ggplot() +
aes(y = cut) +
geom_bar() +
stat_count(geom = "text",
aes(label = after_stat(count)))
## Aesthetic mapping:
## * `x` -> `after_stat(count)`
## * `y` -> `after_stat(count)`
## * `weight` -> 1
StatCount$default_aes <- aes(x = after_stat(count),
y = after_stat(count),
weight = 1,
label = after_stat(count),
percent = after_stat(100*count/sum(count)) %>%
round(1) %>%
geom_barlab <- function(...){stat_count(geom = "text", ...)}
diamonds %>%
ggplot() +
aes(y = cut) +
geom_bar() +
layer_data() # wow! percent is here. (but we can't seem to access it)
## x label percent count prop y flipped_aes PANEL group xmin xmax ymin ymax
## 1 1610 1610 3% 1610 1 1 TRUE 1 1 0 1610 0.55 1.45
## 2 4906 4906 9.1% 4906 1 2 TRUE 1 2 0 4906 1.55 2.45
## 3 12082 12082 22.4% 12082 1 3 TRUE 1 3 0 12082 2.55 3.45
## 4 13791 13791 25.6% 13791 1 4 TRUE 1 4 0 13791 3.55 4.45
## 5 21551 21551 40% 21551 1 5 TRUE 1 5 0 21551 4.55 5.45
## colour fill linewidth linetype alpha
## 1 NA grey35 0.5 1 NA
## 2 NA grey35 0.5 1 NA
## 3 NA grey35 0.5 1 NA
## 4 NA grey35 0.5 1 NA
## 5 NA grey35 0.5 1 NA
diamonds %>%
count(cut) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(amount = n, r0 = 0, r = 1, fill = cut, x0 = 0, y0 = 0) +
## Warning: Using the `size` aesthetic in this geom was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `linewidth` in the `default_aes` field and elsewhere instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.
compute_panel_wedge <- function(data, scales, n = 360, sep = 0){
# defaulting aesthetics, instead of requiring
# data$x0 <- data$x0 %||% 0
if(!("x0" %in% names(data))){data$x0 <- 0}
if(!("y0" %in% names(data))){data$y0 <- 0}
if(!("r0" %in% names(data))){data$r0 <- 0}
if(!("r" %in% names(data))) {data$r <- sqrt(sum(data$amount)/pi)} # area will be equal to amount
# maybe change 'amount' to 'weight'?
# piggybacking from StatPie
ggforce::StatPie$compute_panel(data, scales = scales, n = n, sep = sep)
StatWedge <- ggplot2::ggproto(
`_class` = 'StatWedge',
`_inherit` = ggplot2::Stat,
compute_panel = compute_panel_wedge,
required_aes = c('amount'),
default_aes = ggplot2::aes(x0 = NULL, y0 = NULL,
r0 = NULL, r = NULL,
explode = NULL)
# Gentle modification from ggforce::GeomArcBar, changing color (was black) and fill (was NA) defaults
GeomArcWedge <- ggplot2::ggproto('GeomArcWedge', ggforce::GeomShape,
default_aes = ggforce:::combine_aes(ggforce::GeomShape$default_aes,
ggplot2::aes(colour = NA, fill = "grey"))
geom_wedge <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
geom = 'arc_wedge', stat = StatWedge,
position = 'identity', n = 360, sep = 0, na.rm = FALSE,
show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE, ...) {
stat = stat, data = data, mapping = mapping, geom = geom,
position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = list(na.rm = na.rm, n = n, sep = sep, ...)
diamonds %>%
count(cut) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(amount = n, fill = cut) +
Could you, in this case, What if you want a variant, where default aes, e.g. text gives you something a little different, but you want both functions to work.
StatCount2 <- ggproto(NULL, ggplot2::StatCount)
StatCount2$default_aes = aes(x = after_stat(count),
y = after_stat(count),
weight = 1,
label = after_stat(100*count/sum(count)) %>%
round(1) %>%
# did copy paste og stat_count and changed geom to "text" and StatCount to StatCount2
geom_bar_percent <- function (mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
geom = "text",
position = "stack",
..., width = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, orientation = NA, show.legend = NA,
inherit.aes = TRUE)
params <- rlang::list2(na.rm = na.rm, orientation = orientation,
width = width, ...)
layer(data = data, mapping = mapping, stat = StatCount2, geom = geom,
position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = params)
diamonds %>%
ggplot() +
aes(y = cut) +
geom_bar() +