Intro Thoughts

Status Quo

data.frame(event = c(
                     "Court Losses", 
                     "Court Wins", 
           change = c(6400, -1100, 
                      -100, -4200, 3800, 
                      1400, -2800)) %>% 
  mutate(event = factor(event)) ->
flow_df %>%   # maybe add factor in order if factor is not defined...
  mutate(x_pos = event %>% as.numeric()) %>% 
  arrange(x_pos) %>% 
  mutate(balance = cumsum(c(0, 
                            change[-nrow(.)]))) %>% 
  mutate(flow = factor(sign(change))) ->

ggplot(balance_df) +
            aes(xmin = x_pos - 0.45, 
                xmax = x_pos + 0.45, 
                ymin = balance, 
                ymax = balance + change)) +
          geom_text(aes(x = event, 
                        y = pmin(balance, 
                                 balance + change) - 50, 
                        label = balance))

compute_panel_waterfall <- function(data, scales, width = .90,  starting = 0){

  if(is.null(starting)){starting <- 0}
  data %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(x_pos = .data$x %>% as.numeric()) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(.data$x_pos) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(balance = cumsum(c(starting,
                             .data$change[-nrow(.)]))) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(direction = factor(sign(.data$change))) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(xmin = .data$x_pos - width/2,
                xmax = .data$x_pos + width/2,
                ymin = .data$balance,
                ymax = .data$balance + .data$change) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(x = .data$x_pos) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(y = .data$ymax) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(gain_loss = ifelse(.data$direction == 1, "gain", "loss"))


### Step 1.1 Test compute 
flow_df %>% 
  rename(x = event) %>% 
  compute_panel_waterfall(starting = 55) 
##   x change x_pos balance direction xmin xmax  ymin  ymax     y gain_loss
## 1 1   1400     1      55         1 0.55 1.45    55  1455  1455      gain
## 2 2  -4200     2    1455        -1 1.55 2.45  1455 -2745 -2745      loss
## 3 3   3800     3   -2745         1 2.55 3.45 -2745  1055  1055      gain
## 4 4  -2800     4    1055        -1 3.55 4.45  1055 -1745 -1745      loss
## 5 5   -100     5   -1745        -1 4.55 5.45 -1745 -1845 -1845      loss
## 6 6  -1100     6   -1845        -1 5.55 6.45 -1845 -2945 -2945      loss
## 7 7   6400     7   -2945         1 6.55 7.45 -2945  3455  3455      gain
## Step 2. Pass compute to ggproto 

stat_waterfall <- function(geom = "rect", ...){
  statexpress::stat_panel(compute_panel_waterfall, geom = geom, ...)

flow_df %>% 
  ggplot() + 
  aes(x = event, change = change) + 
  stat_waterfall(starting = 1000, alpha = .7)

compute_panel_starting_balance <- function(data, scales, starting = 0, width = .90){
  data.frame(x = 0, y = 0, ymin = 0, ymax = starting) %>% 
    mutate(xmin = x -  width/2, 
           xmax = x + width/2) %>% 
    mutate(x = x - .75) # so that it renders

stat_waterfall_start <- function(geom = "rect", ...){
  statexpress::stat_panel(compute_panel_starting_balance, geom, ...)

last_plot() +
  stat_waterfall_start(starting = 1000)

compute_panel_final_balance <- function(data, scales, starting = 0, width = .90){
   compute_panel_waterfall(data, starting = starting, width = width) ->
  data %>% 
    slice(nrow(data)) %>% 
    mutate(ymin = ymax) %>% 
    mutate(ymax = 0) %>% 
    mutate(x = max(x) + 1) %>% 
    mutate(xmin = x - width/2,
           xmax = x + width/2) %>% 
    mutate(x = x + .75) # spacing

flow_df %>% 
  rename(x = event, change = change) %>% 
##      x change x_pos balance direction xmin xmax ymin ymax    y gain_loss
## 1 8.75   6400     7   -3000         1 7.55 8.45 3400    0 3400      gain
stat_waterfall_end <- function(geom = "rect", ...){
  statexpress::stat_panel(compute_panel_final_balance, geom, ...)

last_plot() + 
  stat_waterfall_end(starting = 1000)