harvest_2021 <- readr::read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2024/2024-05-28/harvest_2021.csv')
## Rows: 726 Columns: 5
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (3): vegetable, variety, units
## dbl (1): weight
## date (1): date
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
harvest_2021 %>%
distinct(vegetable) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(id = vegetable) +
ggcirclepack::geom_circlepack() +
ggcirclepack::geom_circlepack_text() +
coord_equal() +
aes(fill = I("aliceblue")) +
aes(color = I("midnightblue"))
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `area`.
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `wt`.
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `within`.
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `area`.
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `wt`.
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `within`.
layer_data(i = 2) ->
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `area`.
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `wt`.
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `within`.
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `area`.
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `wt`.
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `within`.
ggwipe::last_plot_wipe_last() +
ggcircumscribe::geom_circumscribe(data = circle_data,
aes(id = NULL, x= x, y = y, label = label),
radius = grid::unit(10, "mm"), grow = TRUE)
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `area`.
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `wt`.
## Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `within`.
## ! The `reflow` argument is not yet implemented
# harvest_2021 %>%
# distinct(vegetable) %>%
# ggplot() +
# aes(id = vegetable) +
# ggcirclepack::geom_circlepack() +
# +
# coord_equal() +
# aes(fill = I("aliceblue")) +
# aes(color = I("midnightblue"))