Status Quo
# Given a cool function ...
make_hull <- function(data, scales) {
hull_ids <- chull(data %>% select(x,y))
data |>
mtcars %>%
select(x = disp, y = mpg) %>%
## x y
## Pontiac Firebird 400.0 19.2
## Chrysler Imperial 440.0 14.7
## Cadillac Fleetwood 472.0 10.4
## Lincoln Continental 460.0 10.4
## Merc 280C 167.6 17.8
## Volvo 142E 121.0 21.4
## Datsun 710 108.0 22.8
## Fiat X1-9 79.0 27.3
## Toyota Corolla 71.1 33.9
stat_manual <- statexpress::stat_group #
# 1. stat_manual promise
ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg, colour = factor(cyl))) +
geom_point() +
stat_manual(fun = make_hull, geom = "polygon", alpha = .2) +
stat_manual(fun = make_hull, size = 3)
# 2. Express in-script dependency free approach
StatHull <- ggproto("StatHull", Stat, compute_group = make_hull)
ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg, colour = factor(cyl))) +
geom_point() +
geom_polygon(stat = StatHull, alpha = .2) +
geom_point(stat = StatHull, size = 3)
# statexpress/stat_manual alternative... qstat
qstat <- function(fun, ...){ggproto("StatTemp", Stat, compute_group = fun, ...)}
qstat_p <- function(fun, ...){ggproto("StatTemp", Stat, compute_panel = fun, ...)}
# 3. third way: qstat
library(ggplot2) # or library(statexpress)
ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg, colour = factor(cyl))) +
geom_point() +
geom_polygon(stat = qstat(make_hull), alpha = .2) +
geom_point(stat = qstat(make_hull), size = 3)
# 3.b can still define a stat, but subclass is 'StatTemp' internally
QSH <- qstat(make_hull)
ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg, colour = factor(cyl))) +
geom_point() +
geom_polygon(stat = QSH, alpha = .2) +
geom_point(stat = QSH, size = 3)
# Niceties of new approach
# Free to pack your computation w/ bonus columns ...
make_hull_w_means <- function(data, scales){
data %>% make_hull() %>%
mutate(hull_mean_x = mean(x)) %>%
mutate(hull_mean_y = mean(y)) %>%
mutate(hull_median_x = median(x)) %>%
mutate(hull_median_y = median(y))
# ... for use in your stat...
QStatHull <- qstat(fun = make_hull_w_means,
default_aes = aes(xend = after_stat(hull_mean_x),
yend = after_stat(hull_mean_y)))
last_plot() +
geom_segment(stat = QStatHull) +
labs(title = "the means based my c-hull...")
last_plot() +
geom_segment(stat = QStatHull, xend = 0, yend = 0, alpha = .2) +
labs(caption = "looks like kites on a windy day!")
# using group means
group_center <- function(data, scales, fun = mean){
data |>
summarise(x = fun(x),
y = fun(y))
last_plot() +
geom_point(stat = qstat(group_center),
size = 7,
shape = "diamond") +
labs(subtitle = "... is not the group means")
last_plot() +
geom_label(stat = qstat(group_center),
label = "global\nmeans",
color = "black",
shape = "diamond")
## Warning in geom_label(stat = qstat(group_center), label = "global\nmeans", :
## Ignoring unknown parameters: `shape`
last_plot() +
geom_text(stat = qstat(group_center),
label = "global\nmedians",
color = "black",
fun = median)
# when you don't have a stat argument for geom_*() as with geom_vline()
# cross between geom_point and stat_identity
layer_express <- function (mapping = NULL, data = NULL, stat = "identity", geom = "point", position = "identity",
..., na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE) {
layer(data = data, mapping = mapping, stat = stat, geom = geom,
position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = rlang::list2(na.rm = na.rm, ...))
xmean <- function(data, scales){
data |>
summarise(xintercept = mean(x))
last_plot() +
layer_express(stat = qstat(xmean, dropped_aes = c("x", "y")),
geom = GeomVline)
# And back again! should be same behavior as stat_manual()
stat_manual_group <- function(geom = "point", group_fun, ...){
layer_express(geom = geom, stat = qstat(fun = group_fun), ...)
ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg, colour = factor(cyl))) +
geom_point() +
stat_manual_group(group_fun = make_hull, geom = "polygon", alpha = .2) +
stat_manual_group(group_fun = make_hull, size = 3)