class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Mapping Political Change in Idaho ## With flipbookr and xaringan ### Rachel Goodman, September 2020 --- count: false ## Prepping the Data .panel1-data_prep-auto[ ```r *members02_11 ``` ] .panel2-data_prep-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 1,131 x 14 name chamber party district committees positions partialsession <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> 1 John… House R 1 Environme… <NA> <NA> 2 Geor… House R 1 Local Gov… <NA> <NA> 3 Hild… House R 2 Business;… <NA> Temporary Abs… 4 Free… House R 2 <NA> <NA> Acting Repres… 5 Wayn… House R 2 Appropria… <NA> <NA> 6 Jim … House R 3 Appropria… <NA> <NA> 7 Kris… House R 3 Business;… <NA> <NA> 8 Mary… House D 4 State Aff… <NA> <NA> 9 Don … House R 4 Appropria… <NA> <NA> 10 Tom … House R 5 Agricultu… <NA> <NA> # … with 1,121 more rows, and 7 more variables: startdate <dttm>, # enddate <dttm>, startdate2 <dttm>, enddate2 <dttm>, startdate3 <lgl>, # enddate3 <lgl>, year <chr> ``` ] --- count: false ## Prepping the Data .panel1-data_prep-auto[ ```r members02_11 %>% * arrange(year, district) ``` ] .panel2-data_prep-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 1,131 x 14 name chamber party district committees positions partialsession <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> 1 John… House R 1 Environme… <NA> <NA> 2 Geor… House R 1 Local Gov… <NA> <NA> 3 Shaw… Senate R 1 Transport… <NA> <NA> 4 Hild… House R 2 Business;… <NA> Temporary Abs… 5 Free… House R 2 <NA> <NA> Acting Repres… 6 Wayn… House R 2 Appropria… <NA> <NA> 7 Clyd… Senate R 2 Finance; … <NA> <NA> 8 Jim … House R 3 Appropria… <NA> <NA> 9 Kris… House R 3 Business;… <NA> <NA> 10 John… Senate R 3 Commerce … <NA> <NA> # … with 1,121 more rows, and 7 more variables: startdate <dttm>, # enddate <dttm>, startdate2 <dttm>, enddate2 <dttm>, startdate3 <lgl>, # enddate3 <lgl>, year <chr> ``` ] --- count: false ## Prepping the Data .panel1-data_prep-auto[ ```r members02_11 %>% arrange(year, district) %>% * select(name, chamber, party, district, year) ``` ] .panel2-data_prep-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 1,131 x 5 name chamber party district year <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> 1 John L. Campbell House R 1 2002 2 George E. Eskridge House R 1 2002 3 Shawn Keough Senate R 1 2002 4 Hilde Kellogg House R 2 2002 5 Freeman B. Duncan House R 2 2002 6 Wayne R. Meyer House R 2 2002 7 Clyde Boatright Senate R 2 2002 8 Jim Clark House R 3 2002 9 Kris Ellis House R 3 2002 10 John W. Goedde Senate R 3 2002 # … with 1,121 more rows ``` ] --- count: false ## Prepping the Data .panel1-data_prep-auto[ ```r members02_11 %>% arrange(year, district) %>% select(name, chamber, party, district, year) %>% * group_by(year, district) ``` ] .panel2-data_prep-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 1,131 x 5 # Groups: year, district [350] name chamber party district year <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> 1 John L. Campbell House R 1 2002 2 George E. Eskridge House R 1 2002 3 Shawn Keough Senate R 1 2002 4 Hilde Kellogg House R 2 2002 5 Freeman B. Duncan House R 2 2002 6 Wayne R. Meyer House R 2 2002 7 Clyde Boatright Senate R 2 2002 8 Jim Clark House R 3 2002 9 Kris Ellis House R 3 2002 10 John W. Goedde Senate R 3 2002 # … with 1,121 more rows ``` ] --- count: false ## Prepping the Data .panel1-data_prep-auto[ ```r members02_11 %>% arrange(year, district) %>% select(name, chamber, party, district, year) %>% group_by(year, district) %>% * mutate(party_total = case_when( * !str_detect(paste0(party, collapse = ""), "D") ~"R", * !str_detect(paste0(party, collapse = ""), "R") ~"D", * TRUE ~"M")) ``` ] .panel2-data_prep-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 1,131 x 6 # Groups: year, district [350] name chamber party district year party_total <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> 1 John L. Campbell House R 1 2002 R 2 George E. Eskridge House R 1 2002 R 3 Shawn Keough Senate R 1 2002 R 4 Hilde Kellogg House R 2 2002 R 5 Freeman B. Duncan House R 2 2002 R 6 Wayne R. Meyer House R 2 2002 R 7 Clyde Boatright Senate R 2 2002 R 8 Jim Clark House R 3 2002 R 9 Kris Ellis House R 3 2002 R 10 John W. Goedde Senate R 3 2002 R # … with 1,121 more rows ``` ] --- count: false ## Prepping the Data .panel1-data_prep-auto[ ```r members02_11 %>% arrange(year, district) %>% select(name, chamber, party, district, year) %>% group_by(year, district) %>% mutate(party_total = case_when( !str_detect(paste0(party, collapse = ""), "D") ~"R", !str_detect(paste0(party, collapse = ""), "R") ~"D", TRUE ~"M")) %>% * ungroup() ``` ] .panel2-data_prep-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 1,131 x 6 name chamber party district year party_total <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> 1 John L. Campbell House R 1 2002 R 2 George E. Eskridge House R 1 2002 R 3 Shawn Keough Senate R 1 2002 R 4 Hilde Kellogg House R 2 2002 R 5 Freeman B. Duncan House R 2 2002 R 6 Wayne R. Meyer House R 2 2002 R 7 Clyde Boatright Senate R 2 2002 R 8 Jim Clark House R 3 2002 R 9 Kris Ellis House R 3 2002 R 10 John W. Goedde Senate R 3 2002 R # … with 1,121 more rows ``` ] --- count: false ## Prepping the Data .panel1-data_prep-auto[ ```r members02_11 %>% arrange(year, district) %>% select(name, chamber, party, district, year) %>% group_by(year, district) %>% mutate(party_total = case_when( !str_detect(paste0(party, collapse = ""), "D") ~"R", !str_detect(paste0(party, collapse = ""), "R") ~"D", TRUE ~"M")) %>% ungroup() %>% * select(year, district, party_total) ``` ] .panel2-data_prep-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 1,131 x 3 year district party_total <chr> <dbl> <chr> 1 2002 1 R 2 2002 1 R 3 2002 1 R 4 2002 2 R 5 2002 2 R 6 2002 2 R 7 2002 2 R 8 2002 3 R 9 2002 3 R 10 2002 3 R # … with 1,121 more rows ``` ] --- count: false ## Prepping the Data .panel1-data_prep-auto[ ```r members02_11 %>% arrange(year, district) %>% select(name, chamber, party, district, year) %>% group_by(year, district) %>% mutate(party_total = case_when( !str_detect(paste0(party, collapse = ""), "D") ~"R", !str_detect(paste0(party, collapse = ""), "R") ~"D", TRUE ~"M")) %>% ungroup() %>% select(year, district, party_total) %>% * unique() ``` ] .panel2-data_prep-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 350 x 3 year district party_total <chr> <dbl> <chr> 1 2002 1 R 2 2002 2 R 3 2002 3 R 4 2002 4 M 5 2002 5 R 6 2002 6 R 7 2002 7 M 8 2002 8 R 9 2002 9 R 10 2002 10 R # … with 340 more rows ``` ] --- count: false ## Prepping the Data .panel1-data_prep-auto[ ```r members02_11 %>% arrange(year, district) %>% select(name, chamber, party, district, year) %>% group_by(year, district) %>% mutate(party_total = case_when( !str_detect(paste0(party, collapse = ""), "D") ~"R", !str_detect(paste0(party, collapse = ""), "R") ~"D", TRUE ~"M")) %>% ungroup() %>% select(year, district, party_total) %>% unique() %>% * mutate(NDISTRICT=district) ``` ] .panel2-data_prep-auto[ ``` # A tibble: 350 x 4 year district party_total NDISTRICT <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> 1 2002 1 R 1 2 2002 2 R 2 3 2002 3 R 3 4 2002 4 M 4 5 2002 5 R 5 6 2002 6 R 6 7 2002 7 M 7 8 2002 8 R 8 9 2002 9 R 9 10 2002 10 R 10 # … with 340 more rows ``` ] --- count: false ## Prepping the Data .panel1-data_prep-auto[ ```r members02_11 %>% arrange(year, district) %>% select(name, chamber, party, district, year) %>% group_by(year, district) %>% mutate(party_total = case_when( !str_detect(paste0(party, collapse = ""), "D") ~"R", !str_detect(paste0(party, collapse = ""), "R") ~"D", TRUE ~"M")) %>% ungroup() %>% select(year, district, party_total) %>% unique() %>% mutate(NDISTRICT=district) -> * members02_11 ``` ] .panel2-data_prep-auto[ ] <style> .panel1-data_prep-auto { color: black; width: 49.4949494949495%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel2-data_prep-auto { color: black; width: 48.5050505050505%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel3-data_prep-auto { color: black; width: NA%; hight: 33%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- count: false ## Prepping the Mapping Data .panel1-map_data_prep-auto[ ```r *map_02 ``` ] .panel2-map_data_prep-auto[ ``` Simple feature collection with 35 features and 2 fields geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON dimension: XY bbox: xmin: 241777.2 ymin: 98685.15 xmax: 744660 ymax: 882019.6 proj4string: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=42 +lon_0=-114 +k=0.9996 +x_0=500000 +y_0=100000 +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs First 10 features: DISTRICT NDISTRICT geometry 1 01 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((333701.4 78... 2 02 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((280658.3 71... 3 03 3 MULTIPOLYGON (((287396.8 76... 4 04 4 MULTIPOLYGON (((289829.2 73... 5 05 5 MULTIPOLYGON (((287081.9 74... 6 06 6 MULTIPOLYGON (((293149.7 61... 7 07 7 MULTIPOLYGON (((269846.9 58... 8 08 8 MULTIPOLYGON (((329227.9 44... 9 09 9 MULTIPOLYGON (((303757.8 33... 10 10 10 MULTIPOLYGON (((264272.6 28... ``` ] --- count: false ## Prepping the Mapping Data .panel1-map_data_prep-auto[ ```r map_02 %>% * merge(., members02_11, by="NDISTRICT") ``` ] .panel2-map_data_prep-auto[ ``` Simple feature collection with 350 features and 5 fields geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON dimension: XY bbox: xmin: 241777.2 ymin: 98685.15 xmax: 744660 ymax: 882019.6 proj4string: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=42 +lon_0=-114 +k=0.9996 +x_0=500000 +y_0=100000 +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs First 10 features: NDISTRICT DISTRICT year district party_total geometry 1 1 01 2002 1 R MULTIPOLYGON (((333701.4 78... 2 1 01 2010 1 R MULTIPOLYGON (((333701.4 78... 3 1 01 2007 1 R MULTIPOLYGON (((333701.4 78... 4 1 01 2006 1 R MULTIPOLYGON (((333701.4 78... 5 1 01 2004 1 R MULTIPOLYGON (((333701.4 78... 6 1 01 2009 1 R MULTIPOLYGON (((333701.4 78... 7 1 01 2008 1 R MULTIPOLYGON (((333701.4 78... 8 1 01 2011 1 R MULTIPOLYGON (((333701.4 78... 9 1 01 2005 1 R MULTIPOLYGON (((333701.4 78... 10 1 01 2003 1 R MULTIPOLYGON (((333701.4 78... ``` ] --- count: false ## Prepping the Mapping Data .panel1-map_data_prep-auto[ ```r map_02 %>% merge(., members02_11, by="NDISTRICT") -> * merged_data ``` ] .panel2-map_data_prep-auto[ ] <style> .panel1-map_data_prep-auto { color: black; width: 38.6060606060606%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel2-map_data_prep-auto { color: black; width: 59.3939393939394%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel3-map_data_prep-auto { color: black; width: NA%; hight: 33%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r *ggplot(data=merged_data) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_01_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + * geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_02_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) + * aes(fill=party_total) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_03_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) + aes(fill=party_total) + * facet_wrap(~year,nrow=2) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_04_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) + aes(fill=party_total) + facet_wrap(~year,nrow=2) + * scale_fill_manual(values=c("#CC2936", "#08415C", "#edfff4"), * breaks=c("R", "D", "M"), * labels=c("All Republican", "All Democrat", "Both")) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_05_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) + aes(fill=party_total) + facet_wrap(~year,nrow=2) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#CC2936", "#08415C", "#edfff4"), breaks=c("R", "D", "M"), labels=c("All Republican", "All Democrat", "Both")) + * labs(title="Is Idaho as Red as It Seems?", * subtitle="A Breakdown of State Legislators' Party Affiliations by District", * caption="Idaho District Shapefile Source:\nBruce Godfrey, GIS Librarian, University of Idaho", * fill=NULL) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_06_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) + aes(fill=party_total) + facet_wrap(~year,nrow=2) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#CC2936", "#08415C", "#edfff4"), breaks=c("R", "D", "M"), labels=c("All Republican", "All Democrat", "Both")) + labs(title="Is Idaho as Red as It Seems?", subtitle="A Breakdown of State Legislators' Party Affiliations by District", caption="Idaho District Shapefile Source:\nBruce Godfrey, GIS Librarian, University of Idaho", fill=NULL) + * theme(legend.position = 'top') ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_07_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) + aes(fill=party_total) + facet_wrap(~year,nrow=2) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#CC2936", "#08415C", "#edfff4"), breaks=c("R", "D", "M"), labels=c("All Republican", "All Democrat", "Both")) + labs(title="Is Idaho as Red as It Seems?", subtitle="A Breakdown of State Legislators' Party Affiliations by District", caption="Idaho District Shapefile Source:\nBruce Godfrey, GIS Librarian, University of Idaho", fill=NULL) + theme(legend.position = 'top') + * theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa", * color="#fafafa")) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_08_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) + aes(fill=party_total) + facet_wrap(~year,nrow=2) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#CC2936", "#08415C", "#edfff4"), breaks=c("R", "D", "M"), labels=c("All Republican", "All Democrat", "Both")) + labs(title="Is Idaho as Red as It Seems?", subtitle="A Breakdown of State Legislators' Party Affiliations by District", caption="Idaho District Shapefile Source:\nBruce Godfrey, GIS Librarian, University of Idaho", fill=NULL) + theme(legend.position = 'top') + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa", color="#fafafa")) + * theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_09_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) + aes(fill=party_total) + facet_wrap(~year,nrow=2) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#CC2936", "#08415C", "#edfff4"), breaks=c("R", "D", "M"), labels=c("All Republican", "All Democrat", "Both")) + labs(title="Is Idaho as Red as It Seems?", subtitle="A Breakdown of State Legislators' Party Affiliations by District", caption="Idaho District Shapefile Source:\nBruce Godfrey, GIS Librarian, University of Idaho", fill=NULL) + theme(legend.position = 'top') + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa", color="#fafafa")) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + * theme(text=element_text(family="Bahnschrift", size=12)) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_10_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) + aes(fill=party_total) + facet_wrap(~year,nrow=2) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#CC2936", "#08415C", "#edfff4"), breaks=c("R", "D", "M"), labels=c("All Republican", "All Democrat", "Both")) + labs(title="Is Idaho as Red as It Seems?", subtitle="A Breakdown of State Legislators' Party Affiliations by District", caption="Idaho District Shapefile Source:\nBruce Godfrey, GIS Librarian, University of Idaho", fill=NULL) + theme(legend.position = 'top') + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa", color="#fafafa")) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(text=element_text(family="Bahnschrift", size=12)) + * theme(plot.title.position = "plot") ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_11_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) + aes(fill=party_total) + facet_wrap(~year,nrow=2) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#CC2936", "#08415C", "#edfff4"), breaks=c("R", "D", "M"), labels=c("All Republican", "All Democrat", "Both")) + labs(title="Is Idaho as Red as It Seems?", subtitle="A Breakdown of State Legislators' Party Affiliations by District", caption="Idaho District Shapefile Source:\nBruce Godfrey, GIS Librarian, University of Idaho", fill=NULL) + theme(legend.position = 'top') + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa", color="#fafafa")) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(text=element_text(family="Bahnschrift", size=12)) + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + * theme(plot.title=element_text(color="#534D41", * size=16, * margin=margin(t=3,b=5, * unit="pt"))) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_12_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) + aes(fill=party_total) + facet_wrap(~year,nrow=2) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#CC2936", "#08415C", "#edfff4"), breaks=c("R", "D", "M"), labels=c("All Republican", "All Democrat", "Both")) + labs(title="Is Idaho as Red as It Seems?", subtitle="A Breakdown of State Legislators' Party Affiliations by District", caption="Idaho District Shapefile Source:\nBruce Godfrey, GIS Librarian, University of Idaho", fill=NULL) + theme(legend.position = 'top') + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa", color="#fafafa")) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(text=element_text(family="Bahnschrift", size=12)) + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.title=element_text(color="#534D41", size=16, margin=margin(t=3,b=5, unit="pt"))) + * theme(plot.subtitle=element_text(color="#534D41", * size=12, * margin=margin(b=5, * unit="pt"))) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction_user_13_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Constructing the Map .panel1-map_construction-user[ ```r ggplot(data=merged_data) + geom_sf(color="#534D41", size=.7) + aes(fill=party_total) + facet_wrap(~year,nrow=2) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#CC2936", "#08415C", "#edfff4"), breaks=c("R", "D", "M"), labels=c("All Republican", "All Democrat", "Both")) + labs(title="Is Idaho as Red as It Seems?", subtitle="A Breakdown of State Legislators' Party Affiliations by District", caption="Idaho District Shapefile Source:\nBruce Godfrey, GIS Librarian, University of Idaho", fill=NULL) + theme(legend.position = 'top') + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa", color="#fafafa")) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(text=element_text(family="Bahnschrift", size=12)) + theme(plot.title.position = "plot") + theme(plot.title=element_text(color="#534D41", size=16, margin=margin(t=3,b=5, unit="pt"))) + theme(plot.subtitle=element_text(color="#534D41", size=12, margin=margin(b=5, unit="pt"))) -> * idaho_map ``` ] .panel2-map_construction-user[ ] <style> .panel1-map_construction-user { color: black; width: 48.5050505050505%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel2-map_construction-user { color: black; width: 49.4949494949495%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel3-map_construction-user { color: black; width: NA%; hight: 33%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r *idaho_map ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_01_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + * theme(axis.title=element_blank()) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_02_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + * theme(axis.text = element_blank()) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_03_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) + * theme(axis.line=element_blank()) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_04_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) + theme(axis.line=element_blank()) + * theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_05_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) + theme(axis.line=element_blank()) + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) + * theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_06_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) + theme(axis.line=element_blank()) + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) + theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) + * theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_07_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) + theme(axis.line=element_blank()) + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) + theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + * theme(legend.text = element_text(color="#534D41", size=10)) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_08_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) + theme(axis.line=element_blank()) + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) + theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color="#534D41", size=10)) + * theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_09_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) + theme(axis.line=element_blank()) + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) + theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color="#534D41", size=10)) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + * theme(legend.key.size = unit(15, "points")) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_10_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) + theme(axis.line=element_blank()) + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) + theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color="#534D41", size=10)) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(legend.key.size = unit(15, "points")) + * theme(plot.margin = margin(t=5,r=10,b=5,l=10,unit="pt")) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_11_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) + theme(axis.line=element_blank()) + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) + theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color="#534D41", size=10)) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(legend.key.size = unit(15, "points")) + theme(plot.margin = margin(t=5,r=10,b=5,l=10,unit="pt")) + * theme(plot.caption = element_text(color="#534D41")) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_12_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) + theme(axis.line=element_blank()) + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) + theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color="#534D41", size=10)) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(legend.key.size = unit(15, "points")) + theme(plot.margin = margin(t=5,r=10,b=5,l=10,unit="pt")) + theme(plot.caption = element_text(color="#534D41")) + * theme(plot.caption.position = "plot") ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_13_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) + theme(axis.line=element_blank()) + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) + theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color="#534D41", size=10)) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(legend.key.size = unit(15, "points")) + theme(plot.margin = margin(t=5,r=10,b=5,l=10,unit="pt")) + theme(plot.caption = element_text(color="#534D41")) + theme(plot.caption.position = "plot") + * theme(strip.background =element_rect(fill="#534D41")) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_14_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- count: false ## Designing the Map .panel1-map_construction2-user[ ```r idaho_map + theme(axis.title=element_blank()) + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) + theme(axis.line=element_blank()) + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) + theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(legend.text = element_text(color="#534D41", size=10)) + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill="#fafafa")) + theme(legend.key.size = unit(15, "points")) + theme(plot.margin = margin(t=5,r=10,b=5,l=10,unit="pt")) + theme(plot.caption = element_text(color="#534D41")) + theme(plot.caption.position = "plot") + theme(strip.background =element_rect(fill="#534D41")) + * theme(strip.text = element_text(colour = '#edfff4')) ``` ] .panel2-map_construction2-user[ <img src="Idaho_mapping_files/figure-html/map_construction2_user_15_output-1.png" width="432" /> ] <style> .panel1-map_construction2-user { color: black; width: 48.5050505050505%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel2-map_construction2-user { color: black; width: 49.4949494949495%; hight: 32%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } .panel3-map_construction2-user { color: black; width: NA%; hight: 33%; float: left; padding-left: 1%; font-size: 80% } </style> <style type="text/css"> .remark-code{line-height: 1.5; font-size: 80%} @media print { .has-continuation { display: block; } } </style>