
Taste, succeed, extend

Go to Easy Geom Recipes.

‘Easy geom_*() Recipes’ provide first tastes of the power of ggplot2’s Stat extension mechanism!

Why the Recipes? ggplot2’s extension system allows us to build new ‘vocabulary’ for even more fluent expression. *But* getting a foothold into this space can be challenging, including in the useful Stat arena.

Early on in my own extension journey, I worked with with first and second year undergraduates, creating new geom_* functions for visual statistical storytelling in the United States Military Academy at West Point math department!

Those undergraduates were *very new* to the R programming language and to ggplot2, but were working in a space a lot of seasoned R users haven’t traversed!

What did we do to make Stat extension manageable for these newcomers?

This pattern emerged:

- Step 0. Get the job done with ‘base’ ggplot2.
- Step 1. Use base build experience to help define compute. *Test.*
- Step 2. Use compute definition to define a new Stat. *Test.*
- Step 3. Use your new Stat to define a user-facing geom_*() function. *Test (Enjoy your new function!)*

We codified our experience in the ‘Recipes’, a set of three examples and three tasks to help orient to Stat extension, defining group-wise computation.

This new methodology was tested and evaluated by a group of stats and data science educators. I’m so grateful to that group, and to tutorial pilot testers that helped so much with this product!