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prize_wheel(back_story = TRUE)




#>   outcome           prob
#> 1      $0 9 of 12 slices
#> 2      $1 2 of 12 slices
#> 3      $3  1 of 12 slice
prize_wheel(back_story = FALSE)
#>   outcome       prob
#> 1       0 0.75000000
#> 2       1 0.16666667
#> 3       3 0.08333333

prize_wheel() |>
 trial_init() |>
#> # A tibble: 9 × 5
#>   history t1_outcome t1_prob        t2_outcome t2_prob       
#>     <int> <chr>      <chr>          <chr>      <chr>         
#> 1       1 $0         9 of 12 slices $0         9 of 12 slices
#> 2       2 $0         9 of 12 slices $1         2 of 12 slices
#> 3       3 $0         9 of 12 slices $3         1 of 12 slice 
#> 4       4 $1         2 of 12 slices $0         9 of 12 slices
#> 5       5 $1         2 of 12 slices $1         2 of 12 slices
#> 6       6 $1         2 of 12 slices $3         1 of 12 slice 
#> 7       7 $3         1 of 12 slice  $0         9 of 12 slices
#> 8       8 $3         1 of 12 slice  $1         2 of 12 slices
#> 9       9 $3         1 of 12 slice  $3         1 of 12 slice 

prize_wheel(back_story = FALSE) |>
 trial_init() |>
#> # A tibble: 9 × 5
#>   history t1_outcome t1_prob t2_outcome t2_prob
#>     <int>      <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1       1          0  0.75            0  0.75  
#> 2       2          0  0.75            1  0.167 
#> 3       3          0  0.75            3  0.0833
#> 4       4          1  0.167           0  0.75  
#> 5       5          1  0.167           1  0.167 
#> 6       6          1  0.167           3  0.0833
#> 7       7          3  0.0833          0  0.75  
#> 8       8          3  0.0833          1  0.167 
#> 9       9          3  0.0833          3  0.0833