
These recipe tutorials are intended for individuals who already have a working knowledge of the grammar of ggplot2, but would like to build a richer vocabulary for themselves via the Stat extension mechanism.

Our recipes take the form:

Step 0. Get the job done with ‘base’ ggplot2. It’s a good idea to clarify what needs to happen without getting into the extension architecture

Step 1. Define compute. Test. Wrap the necessary computation into a function that your target geom_*() function will perform. We focus on ‘compute_group’ computation only in this tutorial.

Step 2. Define Stat. Test. ggproto objects allow your extension to work together with base ggplot2 functions. You’ll use the computation function from step 1 to help define a new Stat.

Step 3. Define user-facing functions. Test. You’re ready to write your function for use in ggplot2 pipelines, using the Stat you wrote in Step 2.

Go to Recipe #1